Two Christians starved their one year old child, because it wouldn't say amen before it ate. Not a joke, I'm being completely serious.

"BALTIMORE -- The leader of a household described as a religion cult was convicted of second degree murder Tuesday along with two of her followers for starving a 1-year-old boy to death because he did not saying amen during a mealtime prayer.

Jurors also convincted Queen Antoinette, her daughter Trevia Williams and Marcus A. Cobbs of child abuse resulting in death. Cobbs was also found guilty of accessory after the fact for helping to cover up the death of Javon Thompson."

Child molestation, having a house full of pregnant teens with well over the age fathers, now starving a child to death. What do Christians have against kids, and what will they think of next?
these were not christians, they were crazyites

learn the difference
Is there really a difference? They all believe in crazy magic, and their holy book they follow is full of fucked up incest, rape, murder, and generally all around crazy shit to base your life on.

The only real difference seems Christian preach all about their religion, but don't follow any of the laws. Then the crazy ones take it to extremes. They are all dumb as fuck.
Nay for you not knowing what real Christian values are. Try reading the New Testament n00b.
just because there are all sorts of contradictions and sillyness in the bible doesn't mean everyone who follows it is crazy. the majority of christians are either A) nice, caring people or B) blind followers who really don't care either way- if christianity wasn't so popular they'd just be agnostics

don't lump them all as crazies
We need a good non-christian group to take example after.

I nominate the Mansons...oh wait.
I don't plan to read the new or old testament. I'm not a fan of fiction. All Christians break some part of the rules that are suppose to guide your life.

Adultery for example, how many Christians cheat on their spouses at some point? Judging other people, I'm sure it goes only god can judge. It's human nature to do some of the things that "good Christians" aren't suppose to do. They all aren't moral Orels.

If you want to believe some guy came down walked on water, turned water to wine and some other crazy shit. Then died and came back to life. Go ahead, but where is all this crazy magic voodoo shit now?

No one who is alive or knows anyone, that knows anyone, that know anyone, and so on has never seen any of this crazy shit. Yet, they all so eagerly believe it's true.

With all the different religions that have existed you would think people would realize how fake this has to be. What ever happened to the Greek/Roman gods? Very few believe in those gods anymore, when it was once a major thing. Gods don't just disappear.

I mean minotaurs, crazy magical powers, and mythical beings. People wise up, in probably 100 to maybe even 1000 years, people will realize Christianity is insane and another less insane religion will take over. Hopefully by then the secrets of creation will be discovered and people will forget about this stuff altogether.

All religion is, is a reason to live well. Pretty much it was thought up so people would live a good life, and not commit crimes and wrong doings in hopes of a better place when they die. You don't need to believe this shit to live a good meaningful life. In the end it will be lights out in the ground anyway. Religion is just there to dilute people's minds from the fact death is the end. It's easier to believe dying is not the end, than to embrace the truth.

I'm sorry but you aren't going to some magical fairy tale land when you die. You aren't going to meet this ultimate all powerful being. Your lights will go out and your life will be over, there's no going back.

I myself died once, I was brought back with the use of CPR. Guess what I experienced? Not a damn thing, it was if I had been in a deep sleep. When I came to I had no clue anything had even happened. Sorry there is no promised land. If you are looking for a nice location, buy your plot now.
that looks like copypasta. regardless, i don't know why you're posting it here. there are no angry christians trying to argue with you
I think you're being unpleasantly ignorant about Christianity Black Heart.

I'm definitely not their biggest cheerleader. But my 17+ years of going to church made me nothing but a more forgiving and charitable person.
Nope typed it all myself. :)

Also, I don't mean to bash Christians. Well, I am, but seeing this kind of shit that goes on really pisses me off. I have children and I can't imagine people molesting and starving their own children.

It was more of a pissed off rant, and turned into more than it should have been. Although I don't believe in religion myself I have no problems with your belief as long as it doesn't end up causing stupid shit like this.
Yes, Black Heart, these idiots did that so I'm sure all Christians are exactly like that. I mean, killing babies is like a pass time for me.

But seriously, there are people in every belief political and religious that do crazy and stupid and immoral things. It doesn't mean they are all like that. Yes, there are people out there that claim to be Christians and yet do stuff like this, look at the Crusades for example (probably the single most embarrassing set of events in the history of Christianity). Those people are not true biblical Christians. At the same time, I can look at atheists and talk about all crazy things that random atheists do around the world. Does that mean all atheists are like that? Of course not.

I think blackhearts mad because the preacher told him he can't be gay.
Okay, and I understand this it was just an angry rant. I'm sorry. There are plenty instances of groups of religious-cults doing this kind of stuff though to kids.

If you had kids and loved them, then saw what people were doing to children you would have a different outlook. I'm sorry for directing this to all christian though. I have friends and family that are christian including my own wife.

To IcewarriorX, I am a grown man with a wife and children. Please grow the fuck up. I admitted I was wrong and that this was out of anger. To continue with immature insults will get you no where. All it does is show how immature you are. Wisdom comes with age, grown-ups get upset with real world problems when it cuts close to home.

If you ever do grow up and some how find a woman who could stand to be around you and have kids. You would understand how a parent feels about these kinds of things. To create something with someone you love, and raise it, and have it want to be just like you and love you is a feeling like no other. To see people gain this privilege then do shit like this is disgusting.

I really hope you are between the ages of 10 of 15. If you are not you have a lot to learn, and a long way to go through life.