Steam is having a sale on the game Spellforce 2 Gold Edition, The advertisement showed 4 boxes, but I only notice the game itself and 2 expansions on the games application page. Maybe Spellforce 1 comes with it. Anyways, I'm not sure what the game is about, but it's an action rpg with "breath-taking 3D graphics!" If anything it looks amusing.
The game is regular $30, on sale for $7.50, and I think everyone should buy games when they are cheap, and they should as always feel free to buy them for me as well. ;)
"# Fight epic campaigns with your heroes, with over 90 hours of playing time."
If anything, at least it claims it can kill time.
I dislike when 'screenshots' don't actually show what the game looks like while you're playing.
Feb 28 2010, 6:08 pm
I picked em' up, not half bad. Although the first one is a bit of an eye sore, the gameplay is moderately interesting in that it sort of mixes RPG and RTS.
I believe everyone has the right to get whatever games and software they like off piratebay, for free.
I looked up an actual screenshot of the game. It's about 100% more informative than the crap they have in the steam 'screenshots'.
Iron Lion Zion wrote:
I believe everyone has the right to get whatever games and software they like off piratebay, for free. Piracy is pretty bad when you'd rather do this than spend $2.50 on a game. [Edit: Well, okay, technically $3.74 for Spellforce: Platinum Edition and $7.50 for Spellforce 2: gold Edition. Still, you see my point, right? These games are practically free and you'd still rather rip them off.] |
Iron Lion Zion wrote:
I believe everyone has the right to get whatever games and software they like off piratebay, for free. I believe that everyone should pirate games when game making companies charge you a spleen, colon, and half of your liver for them. However, when a game is cheap and you pirate it, it's called being a dick. |
Mikau wrote:
Iron Lion Zion wrote: I call it instant delivery. |
I call it instant delivery. Technically, these games are on Steam and so that is just as instant. A better term for what you're doing is a five finger discount. |
from gameplay videos, it looks like a poor man's dragon age. that's not a bad thing
i was however entertained by the youtube comments saying that this game "is a shit MMO ever" or that "runescape graphics better" runescape's graphics are better amirite |