Keywords: steam
Steam is having a sale on the game Spellforce 2 Gold Edition, The advertisement showed 4 boxes, but I only notice the game itself and 2 expansions on the games application page. Maybe Spellforce 1 comes with it. Anyways, I'm not sure what the game is about, but it's an action rpg with "breath-taking 3D graphics!" If anything it looks amusing.

The game is regular $30, on sale for $7.50, and I think everyone should buy games when they are cheap, and they should as always feel free to buy them for me as well. ;)

"# Fight epic campaigns with your heroes, with over 90 hours of playing time."

If anything, at least it claims it can kill time.


I dislike when 'screenshots' don't actually show what the game looks like while you're playing.

I picked em' up, not half bad. Although the first one is a bit of an eye sore, the gameplay is moderately interesting in that it sort of mixes RPG and RTS.
I believe everyone has the right to get whatever games and software they like off piratebay, for free.
I looked up an actual screenshot of the game. It's about 100% more informative than the crap they have in the steam 'screenshots'.
Iron Lion Zion wrote:
I believe everyone has the right to get whatever games and software they like off piratebay, for free.

Piracy is pretty bad when you'd rather do this than spend $2.50 on a game.

[Edit: Well, okay, technically $3.74 for Spellforce: Platinum Edition and $7.50 for Spellforce 2: gold Edition. Still, you see my point, right? These games are practically free and you'd still rather rip them off.]
Iron Lion Zion wrote:
I believe everyone has the right to get whatever games and software they like off piratebay, for free.

I believe that everyone should pirate games when game making companies charge you a spleen, colon, and half of your liver for them. However, when a game is cheap and you pirate it, it's called being a dick.
Mikau wrote:
Iron Lion Zion wrote:
I believe everyone has the right to get whatever games and software they like off piratebay, for free.

I believe that everyone should pirate games when game making companies charge you a spleen, colon, and half of your liver for them. However, when a game is cheap and you pirate it, it's called being a dick.

I call it instant delivery.
I call it instant delivery.

Technically, these games are on Steam and so that is just as instant.

A better term for what you're doing is a five finger discount.
from gameplay videos, it looks like a poor man's dragon age. that's not a bad thing

i was however entertained by the youtube comments saying that this game "is a shit MMO ever" or that "runescape graphics better" runescape's graphics are better amirite
I'm saving up for Alien Vs Predator and Borderlands this weekend so I'm probably not going to buy this game. I've also heard Bioshock was a really good game so I'll try to buy that.