Tell me, would you stop playing, or rather, cancel the download of a game, if it had a high resource download?
For example: If I was to make a fully working graphical BYOND MMORPG. With never before seen things, full customization of character. Music for different areas and different sound effects for differen things. Resulting in, like a 50mb resource download. Would you, or would you not play the game?
I suppose the question can be summed up:
Should you sacrafice materials that make your game all the more special for a smaller download file?
![]() Feb 25 2006, 5:12 pm
Heh, when I first saw the title, Giya's topic came to mind... >_>
But yes, I would download it, as long as the outward appearance isn't a major turn off. |
I would only download a file that big if you provided another download without the music.
Disabling BYOND sound by default would remove the music from the .rsc download for you, I believe.
And Topic renamed <.< |
I wouldn't spend time downloading 50 megabytes for a game that is almost certainly shit.
If your game was almost certainly not shit, perhaps even possibly somewhat good, then I might consider it. |
How would you know if it was or was not good without playing it?
Apart from taking a range of opinions. But say, you were the first person to play it, would you download it off the bat to give it a try? |
Because most MMORPGs are bad, and most BYOND games are bad. Thus, a BYOND MMORPG would be bad squared.
And no, I wouldn't give it a try. Additionally, downloading 50 megabytes every time you change the game doesn't strike me as something I'd be willing to do. |
It's good to know you only like it around 3 - 4 inches. Sounds to me like you're set for life than.
You have a 3-4 incher, Tibby?
Dammmmmnnn. That's small. I like my 8 almost 9 incher. =) |
"It's good to know you only like it around 3 - 4 inches. Sounds to me like you're set for life than."
That didn't imply anything about me at all <.< I was mearly stating how he must be set for his liking of smaller sizes. Now, lets get back on topic a little. Would you sit though the download of a 50mb rsc? |
I would if the host is fast and it's worth it. And if the game is updated Dream Seeker won't re-download the same files. You could and should put the resource files on your website so they can be downloaded from there, saving bandwidth (and reducing lag) when people download them. Plus it would be faster for people with faster download speeds.
I feel entirly creeped out about talking about penile sizes to the BYOND community. No comment.
I personally wouldn't download 50MBs just for a BYOND standard 2D game. Scaraficing some of the features would be a must.
Why? I happen to like 2D more then 3D.
50MB is pretty small compaired to some normal downloads today. |
Think of all of the poor 56Kers you're screwing over with a 50 MB game. If you're going to have a game that huge it better have a lot of good content or I'd be telling everybody I saw that it's not worth it. Heck, sometimes I cancel out of games when there's a resource size of more than 3 MB.
Edit: Something is srcewy with your title text. When I put my mouse over it, the text shrinks...but it shrinks to the point where its no longer under my mouse and goes back to normal size. It makes my entire window shake and it looks fugly. :-/ |