So basically, I need help testing something, that is hard for me personally.
Due to years of wearing headphones constantly at full volume, I have probably damaged my hearing, or am going deaf.
The game I am working on makes insane usage of sound effects.
Currently 87 sound effects in use, and more on the way.
There will once finished be a sound effect for everything. There is sound effects for reloading a gun, for firing it (if it needs then for the bolt action), there is sound effects for bullets whizing by your head, and even sound effects for bullets hitting a variety of different materials.
What I need help with testing is the volume of all these effects.
Controls are explained to you, so just play around.
Are the sounds to loud or quiet in relation to other sounds?
Naturally a gunshot explosion should be louder than a door opening.
But can you hear the sounds ok (I based the volume of them all off of maximum volume on my headphones), and is the volume level of them realistic in comparison to other sounds?
![]() Feb 26 2010, 3:01 pm
Ulterior Motives wrote:
Well the sounds could use a little adjusting. The robot dudes are really quiet, considering they are swiping at you, and trying to rip you apart. You died. Death is not fully coded at the moment, but death results in you losing anything you're holding (that part is coded). Also, they're aliens, not robots. But I will make their attack sound louder. Any other sounds that are too loud/quiet? |
Sound - The creatures attacking you.
It sounds too loud for me. Usually when cutting flesh, it makes a quiet "swish" Sounds - Honestly, some sounds were so loud and repetitive that I couldn't tell what they were. Bug - I couldn't shoot. Bug - Whenever I pick up a gun, it drops. (Edit : I was at full health.) Other then that, I like the sounds. :-) |
Stalwart wrote:
Sound - The creatures attacking you. Easy fix. Sounds - Honestly, some sounds were so loud and repetitive that I couldn't tell what they were. What sounds specifically? When did they happen? Bug - I couldn't shoot. Sure it was full health? Red bar is health, blue is stamina. As for not being able to shoot, could have been for two reasons. You cannot click turf within walking distance of you and shoot (this is to prevent miss clicks so you don't end up shooting a NPC instead of interacting with them), or the gun could have needed reloading (or even jammed, which means you need to reload to fix it). |
Oh my god this is too hard. I keep getting owned by the friggin' Charger(s). The sounds seem okay to me, though.
Duelmaster409 wrote:
Oh my god this is too hard. I keep getting owned by the friggin' Charger(s). The sounds seem okay to me, though. The game is designed specifically to be very hard. But armor is currently unavailable in that demo, which would drastically help. As are various other things missing from the demo which further increase the difficulty (attachments for weapons and armor and so on). Also, you're advised to use alternative tactics to win. Wait for night time, and sneak around (enemies respond to sight and sound, you can throw rocks to distract and sneak past them and so on). Or just learn enemy patterns. Chargers charge, a lot. They have a short build up time where they roar, after this they charge. Strafe and they will usually miss. |
The Magic Man wrote:
What sounds specifically? When did they happen? When I logged in, sounds were going off. I just think that so many sounds should go off at once, or possibly text hints? ("That sounded like glass breaking..") |
Stalwart wrote:
The Magic Man wrote: I see why. It is probably just aliens damaging and breaking stuff. I'll reduce the range of that. It wont be as much of an issue in the final version of the game, as there wont be lots of enemies cramped in small spaces. |
The Magic Man wrote:
I see why. It is probably just aliens damaging and breaking stuff. Wow, that's pretty cool. The A.I are active even when no one's around? +Realism |
Stalwart wrote:
The Magic Man wrote: That depends, the further away you are, the less active AIs become, to save on CPU resources. Once you get closer, they become more active. There is no humans in that demo, but humans can have patrol routes, and they will actively fight any enemies they encounter. Even if players are not around to see it. Sometimes humans can even end up fighting each other. Sometimes I can't even find anything to shoot at. The game is nowhere near finished. The current maps is only a quarter of the fully planned world, and of that not even half of it is finished. I placed those items and enemies specifically to help with testing only. Also, there is a few things in that demo I forgot to mention. Some stuff can be pushed/pulled (chairs, tables and so on). Face them and press CTRL + W/S to push/pull them. You can also press C to toggle stone throwing mode (can be thrown to make noise and distract stuff). And if you find and attach a scope to a gun, z zooms in and out. Also, time in the game does pass. It's fairly slow, 1 hour is one full game day. But at night time the ambient sounds change. |
The Magic Man wrote:
There is no humans in that demo, but humans can have patrol routes, and they will actively fight any enemies they encounter. Even if players are not around to see it. That's cool. Can't wait for any sort of release(Even though one may not be coming soon). If you need any feedback on anything, give me a shout. :-) |
As soon as I got outside I shot this robot thing with my shotgun. It only let me shoot once, so I hit R to reload and it dropped everything in my inventory. I tried picking it back up, but it just moved to my location.