BYOND Version:462
Operating System:Windows Vista Home Premium
Web Browser:Firefox 3.6
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Unverified

Thus far we've been unable to verify or reproduce this bug. Or, it has been observed but it cannot be triggered with a reliable test case. You can help us out by editing your report or adding a comment with more information.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
It's hard to describe. I use a Logitech track man which has a left, right and middle mouse button. I just started using the middle buttons cause It's quieter and wears out my mouse slower. Normally this has the same action as left clicking, but in some games it will lock up the interface. In Hazordhu II when you double middle click on a skill you can no longer use skills, or interact with the interface. In Teridal, double middle clicking on an item in your pack causes you to use that item no matter how many times you click, where you click, or which button you use.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Log into Hazordhu II.
2. go to the "skills" tab
3. Double Middle Click on any skill
4. Try to use the interface.


1. log into Teridal
2. Skip intro.
3. Go to the "Pack" tab
4. Double middle click "Cleaver"
5. Try to interact with interface

Expected Results:
Hazordhu II - Same results from left click - activates the skill
Teridal - Uses the cleaver twice.

Actual Results:
Hazordhu II - Clicking no longer seems to do anything.
Teridal - Any clicking will now only activate the cleaver and will not activate any interface controls, such as chat functions.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
Every Time
In other games?
In other user accounts?
Not sure
On other computers?
Not sure

When does the problem NOT occur?
When double middle clicking on the map it works fine, it appears to only be certain interface controls.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
Not sure

Minimizing and Maximizing DS
I'm not sure I follow the description of how to reproduce the issue; you were very vague about how things are "breaking". I'll need a very specific set of steps to follow to try to observe the same problems. I tried doing double-middle-clicks in multiple places in Incursion, a very mouse-driven game, and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Left clicks did not subsequently "break" and everything worked as expected. I recommend you come up with either a demo or a specific game that exhibits problems and break down step by step how to reproduce any problems.
Lummox JR wrote:
I'm not sure I follow the description of how to reproduce the issue; you were very vague about how things are "breaking". I'll need a very specific set of steps to follow to try to observe the same problems. I tried doing double-middle-clicks in multiple places in Incursion, a very mouse-driven game, and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Left clicks did not subsequently "break" and everything worked as expected. I recommend you come up with either a demo or a specific game that exhibits problems and break down step by step how to reproduce any problems.

Sorry, I kind of explained this in the problem description. I'll move it to the steps to reproduce.
You still didn't mention what constitutes "breaking" DS. I tried your instructions for Teridal and double-middle-clicked the cleaver as you said, but I was still able to click things in the interface.

I suspect this may be an issue with your mouse.
Lummox JR wrote:
You still didn't mention what constitutes "breaking" DS. I tried your instructions for Teridal and double-middle-clicked the cleaver as you said, but I was still able to click things in the interface.

I suspect this may be an issue with your mouse.

That would be weird as it stops if I shrink Dream Seeker. Also updated the results.
I'm not sure activating the cleaver in Teridal is unexpected behavior, but to know that I would have to know what the expected behavior is.

I don't think there's any reasonable way this can be investigated further without a demo made from scratch.
Lummox JR wrote:
I'm not sure activating the cleaver in Teridal is unexpected behavior, but to know that I would have to know what the expected behavior is.

I don't think there's any reasonable way this can be investigated further without a demo made from scratch.

I tried recreating it from scratch but cannot seem to reproduce it. I also updated the Expected Behavior section.
This bug is happening to myself and several other people now too(I tried in a couple different games). If you use your middle mouse button(Regardless of whether it requires a left, right, middle or the click doesn't matter) on something in an inventory the game locks up and all clicks regardless of where you click or what you click will click the item you middle clicked.

After the game freezes up, minimizing it fixes the problem until you middle click something in your inventory(in the tabs) again.

There's no way it can be a code problem, it's acting a lot like a bug.
As I mentioned to Redslash, we'll need a demo to look into this further.
Sure thing. Let me make one and then I'll host it somewhere and link you to it. :)
The idea behind a demo is that you post or send me the source code. It's much easier to tell what's going on if I can run it myself.
I meant hosting the files on like rapidshare or something like that..

But the code turned out to be smaller than I thought it would, so here it is:

view = 10


src << "Middle click on item in inventory and then try to click around, it will keep triggering the inventory item instead."
src.Items += new /obj/TestObj


name = ""
icon = 'Example.dmi'
icon_state = "blank"
density = 0

name = "Test"
icon = 'Example.dmi'
icon_state = "MClick"
usr << "BEEP"

turf = /turf/blank
mob = /mob/other/newcharacter

set category = "Can't click if middle clicking item"
Happened to me as well. Usually happens when you middle-click and scroll at the same time. Happened to many other people in different games. And as Redslash said, the only workaround is minimazing and maximizing DS... not even Restore Down works for me when it happens.

Edit: Just found out that when it happens and you minimaze and maximize the DS, it appears as if you left-clicked the verb many times. Don't know if I explained myself.