Wow, just wow. What do you guys think? It doesnt get anymore obvious than that.
![]() Feb 24 2010, 8:07 pm
I'm not going to say it isn't wrong what they're doing, but Bleach is pretty copied from Yu Yu Hakusho. And at that, Yu Yu Hakusho is majorly copied from Dragon Ball Z.
LegendWarriorX wrote:
I'm not going to say it isn't wrong what they're doing, but Bleach is pretty copied from Yu Yu Hakusho. And at that, Yu Yu Hakusho is majorly copied from Dragon Ball Z. dont post on my blog cyberlord. And no, the stories between YYH and Bleach are similar, yes, but its not a blatant rip like this. And YYH is very different from DBZ in that its got a competant story. You would be the one to find something to justify it. |
Pmitch wrote:
And no, the stories between YYH and Bleach are similar, yes, but its not a blatant rip like this. And YYH is very different from DBZ in that its got a competant story. Really now? I can name off many things. King Yemma - King Enma (they even have the same appearance for god sakes), the whole energy blast scheme - Ki Blasts, Spirit World - The Overworld, etc... |
LegendWarriorX wrote:
Pmitch wrote: Under that logic, every series with energy is supposedly a rip off of dbz. Dragon Ball was not the first series to have energy based abilities. As for yemma and enma: 1. They do NOT look the same. King Yemma is an over sized Ogre, and Enma has the form of a giant human. They have the same roles, sure, but considering enma is one of the most minor characters in the series, where as yemma appeared and interacted with the characters many more times. Also the fact that Enma tried to kill Yusuke, while Yemma did nothing but help Goku. You're stupid for even saying energy attacks in YYH were copied from dbz. Get off my blog. |
LegendWarriorX wrote:
Pmitch wrote: Coincidences. Definitions of Enma on the Web: Yama (Sanskrit: यम) the name of the Buddhist dharmapala and judge of the dead, who presides over the Buddhist Narakas (Pāli: Nirayas), "Hells ... I find it a fitting name. And if you don't want him posting on your blog, make it so only members can comment. |
Smoosh wrote:
LegendWarriorX wrote: No, i like nonmembers being able to post. Its easier to ban him. |
Yea...I would hope Kubo is doing something about that, that is very clearly copied/stolen.
I googled the comic, and theres a four page preview. Theres an Ichigo copy character too.
The fact that Gene Simmons' son can incite such nerd rage from Bleach kiddies makes me like him even more.
jaredoggy, can you not go to random blogs and make hateful, ignorant comments solely for the sake of insulting others you don't even know?
seriously. i don't care for bleach or any of the simmonses or anything, but you're just a giant douchebag |
The butthurt Bleach fans have taken to Facebook. l-action-against-Nick-Simmons-for-plagiarism-of-other-works/ 10150099569020063?v=wall |
They've halted the comicS production radical-halts-nick-simmons-incarnate-amid-claims-of-plagiari sm/ |
nick simmons's deviantart. i like how he references portal. i just find it amusing that a pseudo-somewhat-celeb would do that. also he's being spammed by raging kids |
It was on Wikipedia.
"Possibly copied material includes popular mangas Bleach, Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D, NANA, Dogs: Bullets & Carnage, Deadman Wonderland, One Piece and online artist Rae." Also, Kubo seems more amused by it than enraged. |
Yeah, Kubo is acting pretty laid back about it, which is fine. The companies will handle all that.
Im more interested in Nick Simmons statement on it. Also, I want to know what he copied from OP. |
Know what is ironic about this?
The guy who did this, is doing the exact same thing as everyone in BYOND Anime is doing. Stealing someone elses work, without their permission. |
The Magic Man wrote:
Know what is ironic about this? No no, Hes stealing someone elses work, and making money off it without permission. No game in BYOND Anime does this. |