I am curious to know why it took this long .. it's a must have feature..

Feb 24 2010, 11:19 am - ouch..
I guess I didn't really consider it a must-have feature. I'm still not really sure why people want it but, eh, it's there now.
In response to Tom
Tom wrote:
I guess I didn't really consider it a must-have feature. I'm still not really sure why people want it but, eh, it's there now.

Well I think you just made a few people happy :)
Pretty much easiest for debugging, as the runtime errors will report back line numbers, and it's quicker (and in my opinion, less cognitively intensive) to scan down the side of a panel than it is to fire up the "Go to line" feature.

A small thing, I know, but it does seem to make the difference when you've well absorbed in your task, and the scan down seems to add a broad sense of context to where you're looking.
And now I wait feverishly for the release of 496.1144.
Man, this was something I wanted the first time I opened DM. I am so happy to have it. Now, if only I had time to use DM.
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