![]() Jun 13 2005, 3:36 am (Edited on Sep 17 2007, 12:55 pm)
Heh, Elation. Today, I (Namlen) was on Gunz, when I saw someone named Issu in the room I was at. I was like
Me:"Hm...Issu, your name is familiar. Are you from BYOND?" Him:"Yeah!" Me:"ELLY!" Him:"OMG ITS ELLY!" Me:"wtf. I'm not Elly. I thought you were Elly!" Him:"I'm Hell Ramen." Me:"Damn. :(" He and some nekkie dude named Kranos pwned me at sword fights and stuff. It was fun. |
Haha. =D
I feel so touched. :P Well I'm Elation, Thorg is Iago. If you ever see us getting beaten by some level 6 punks, join it. =D (Me and Thorg use MSN audio converse to talk over team tactics and stuff. It's halirious when one of us is left and the other person is keeping an eye out..."THORG HE'S BEHIND YOU TURN AROUND TURN AROUND!!!!". :P |
Level 6 Gun Priest. I'm working on getting the whole aqua beach clothes set and I have Duel Ravens. I'm level 8. ^-^ My charactor is Tracy
Look around for an Umbra (level 7). I've been saving up money for a new sword, thinking whether to go for twin swords or just a regular one.
I'm not particularly good, but this game is really fun. Also, how do you do the sword in the wall trick? |
Twin swords pwn.
Jump, and right click to stick your sword in the wall. Soccerking, RadioactiveMonkey (called Radio in the game), and Wolf01 (can't remember his ingame name :p) play too. We should make a BYOND clan. =D |
I introduced this game to BYOND. :'(
Anyways, Elly, I want to play with you later. <3 |
Yeah well, I'm Level 17 already. Post your usernames here. Mine's "[Ian]"
I'm also in Thorg's clan called the "BBashers" |
Heh. Artekia founded the Bbashers. Cost him 1000 bounty.
Level 17? Sheesh... (stay away from that EXP farming Hikato, by the way! >:| ) |
Yeah, I was helping Hikato level his gladiator strictly character, Hikassin. =/
King Gunnerblast, as well as Elly and Thorg already know, but my name in Gunz is ZeroCrash, funny coincidence. =P |
I Have 2 characters that I use actively.
Bantra: Level 30 CurbStompMan: Level 12 I'm in the server that's most populated at the time usually. |
Me and Thorg were playing today. I'm level 10.
My twin swords pwn.