I aquired Photoshop about 2 days ago.

My first piece of work was:

My second attempt at something was

And my latest attempt at a star field, which I'm very happy with, was

Comments and Suggestions welcome - Also some ideas for my next project. >_>
I don't get the point of it >,<
Not everything you do needs to have a point/purpose. Jeez.
Filter>Noise is your friend.

Grammar nazi. :( *cries*
Filter* and yes, it is my friend.
You used tutorials no? If not, that's great for a noob.
D4RK3 taught me how to do the first one, (ponitopia) and I did the second one by myself, and the third one is a result of me playing around with photoshop for a good 3 hours.
I still see no reason why you would make something like that.
Why not? Anything you do in Photoshop is justified becuase you could be learning something new or building skills.
Lord of light is a retard. =/

Anyway. AZA, your starfeild is really pretty. Unrealistic, of course, but the prettiness kinda outdoes the un-realnessness.

Icamata's starfield has too many stars and not enough variation, but of course you know this. I get the impression most of the time was spent on the central star and it's nice. That web-brush thing is cool, and I love the solar-flares.
Needs more lens flare.

Seriously though, that lens flare is badly done.
Setting the corona layer of Incamata to linear dodge or screen should make it look brighter and better. Also, it lacks "sun spots"
Elation is a moron.

Anyway, AZA, I only do graphics work when it's needed lol, I don't find much joy out of doing it. Guess you do.
No. Elation is an egotistical jerk, but doesn't seem like a moron. :P

Don't snap back at him just because he called on what looked like an inability of yours for people to do things just for the hell of it.
Doing thngs for the hell of it is why America exists, you know. True fact.