(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
I am new to using byond code, and have found that several issues that I can't find answers for.

1. Is it possible to cause a player to spawn upon logging in as something other than than just mob, such as mob/observer or mob/ghost?

2. After the player has spawned how do I move the player from one mob to another?

3. What is the correct way for using the new function? I always try to go var/mob/ghost/G = new(src), but when I do this I get an error about an undefined variable.

You mean changin character
Best response
1. Indeed. Set world.mob to the typepath of the mob you want, like...

mob = /mob/spectator

2. The client has a variable that holds what mob it's attached to. It's as simple as simply setting client.mob to equal a different mob.

3. It looks like you're doing it right. Are you sure the error is "undefined variable" and not "variable defined but not used"?