So I've been gunning to see the rest of Tokyo Underground for ages now. My brother being the kind soul that he is, bought me the box set while he was off in Melbourne doing whatever. Hurray, I finally got to see it.
The disappointing thing is, I remember the series being more serious than half hearted and comic relief being less noticeable than obvious. You know, the occasional joke here and there. But by the looks of it, the creating studio didn't like their previous approach, so come discs 5 and 6, a few of the characters started acting differently. This was annoying.
And the ending of the series was also annoying. The big bad of the show was left cowering and whimpering without even a five minute fight scene, the bigger bad of the show, who was supposedly stronger, managed to get probably two minutes of actual action in there. Guh.
I don't get it, it's like the last 8 episodes of this series were rushed to the deadline. It really is a shame too, I was actually really looking forward to the ending of it all, expecting some really awesome fight scenes and whatnot.
The final scene of the last episode itself was really annoying. I hate it when series end like that... Go watch it yourself if you're curious.
(Couldn't find a trailer.)
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Judging by the trends, I guess I like a good harem comedy. No surprise there, I suppose - come to think of it, the first anime I ever bought was Tenchi Muyo.