Keywords: fat, one, ps3, slime, what
Well I'm planning on buying a Ps3 sometime this March and i wanted to know if they still sell the fat version? My Friend got a slim for Christmas and he kept it in pretty much perfect condition. He freaked out when his brother got to close to it. So I'm sure it's in good condition. But now it's not working properly (His games don't work, he gets some sort of errors when he turns it on etc..) Now with my other Friend he has the fatter Ps3, he bought it when it first came out. His works fine and he treats it way worse then my Friend with the slim. So I'm planning on looking for the fatter version, and I've also heard that the slim is shit. Is the slim fine and my Friend just has bad luck or should i go looking for the fat one? =\
For me, the slim works perfect. I get errors when i try to download my friends games. But thats all. It works fine, I treat it perfect, Never dropped it, probley got banged about 2 times, umm I play it alot.
Flysbad wrote:

Stfu Fag.
TAC0_MAST3R wrote:
Flysbad wrote:

Stfu Fag.

Quiet, troll.
The fatter ps3 is the compatible ps3.. they dont sell those anymore
The Slim is fine, I have both and neither of them have any problems.

I don't know what could have happened to your friends PS3, Maybe his bro touched it when he was gone?
Your friend should stop being stupid and call Sony, his PS3 is in warranty.
How about you log your ass into byond more often >.>
I don't think they sell them anymore. But you can probably find one in rent a center. rent it till it's yours.
You know... I might just be you know... throwing this out there but wikipedia (if you look up "7th Generation Console Gaming") should have an article about the three systems, about the newest releast versions and the canceled or stopped making them.

Also just throwing this bone out there as well, they still make PS2s, so I doubt they would cancel any versions of the PS3 before canceling a previous product.
Oh, and Wtrbooger is a nigger/jew.
In July 2007, Sony announced a drop in the price of the console by $100. This measure only applied to the 60 GB models and was exclusive to the United States and Canada, where those models are no longer in production.

Goes that help??
Flysbad wrote:
Im gay.

Go away.

Ganing wrote:
Oh, and Wtrbooger is a nigger/jew.

This Nigger jew would Whup yo ass
TAC0_MAST3R wrote:
Flysbad wrote:
Im gay.

Go away.

Saiyans Will Destroy Taco_Bastard
Wtrbooger wrote:
Ganing wrote:
Oh, and Wtrbooger is a nigger/jew.

This Nigger jew would Whup yo ass

Yeah cause you are gay and want to play roughly with my ass.
Ganing wrote:
Wtrbooger wrote:
Ganing wrote:
Oh, and Wtrbooger is a nigger/jew.

This Nigger jew would Whup yo ass

Yeah cause you are gay and want to play roughly with my ass.

Correct i am horny and i wan't to play roughly with your Mothers ass
Wtrbooger wrote:
Ganing wrote:
Wtrbooger wrote:
Ganing wrote:
Oh, and Wtrbooger is a nigger/jew.

This Nigger jew would Whup yo ass

Yeah cause you are gay and want to play roughly with my ass.

Correct i am horny and i wan't to play roughly with your Mothers ass

Did you seriously just put an apostrophe in want? I had something else to pwn you with, but you just pwned yourself. Silly nigger, education is for white people!
Ganing wrote:
Wtrbooger wrote:
Ganing wrote:
Wtrbooger wrote:
Ganing wrote:
Oh, and Wtrbooger is a nigger/jew.

This Nigger jew would Whup yo ass

Yeah cause you are gay and want to play roughly with my ass.

Correct i am horny and i wan't to play roughly with your Mothers ass

Did you seriously just put an apostrophe in want? I had something else to pwn you with, but you just pwned yourself. Silly nigger, education is for white people!

lmao that happens on accidents o.O I RULE YOU BEETCH!
Wtrbooger wrote:
Ganing wrote:
Wtrbooger wrote:
Ganing wrote:
Wtrbooger wrote:
Ganing wrote:
Oh, and Wtrbooger is a nigger/jew.

This Nigger jew would Whup yo ass

Yeah cause you are gay and want to play roughly with my ass.

Correct i am horny and i wan't to play roughly with your Mothers ass

Did you seriously just put an apostrophe in want? I had something else to pwn you with, but you just pwned yourself. Silly nigger, education is for white people!

lmao that happens on accidents o.O I RULE YOU BEETCH!

That is not the accident your mother's sons are. (correct use of an apostrophe)
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