I was reading (what I think is) this month's Game Informer, when I stumbled upon what's coming out next month(March). It makes mention of the movie Clash of the Titans. Not only does it cite it, it calls it a God of War rip off. Now, while I'm not going to say they aren't trying to capture some of the hype from GoW III coming out(though I doubt it), you can't justify it being a straight rip. Especially how the write puts it:

"Welcome to Rip Off City
Hollywood once again rips off a video game idea. Today's release, Clash of the Titans, is basically God of War: The Movie. Hydra? Seen It. Minotaur> Boring. The movie even steals locations, like Athens and Hades, straight from the game. Shameless. Just shameless."

I don't know if the author's intention was sarcastic, but I don't get this from the article. So, I'm going to attack it as if he(or she) is serious.

First off, God of War is a Rip on Ancient Greece. Second, God of war is an RPG, which isn't exactly revolutionary. Just because a movie uses aspects of ancient Greece does not mean it's a God of War Clone. FYI, Athens is a real city that still exists, though I doubt you know that since you spend your free time fapping to pictures of Kratos. Hades, Hydras, and the mighty Minotaur are ALL from Ancient Greece. God of War didn't invent these, so don't diss a movie simply because it incorporates aspects from the same setting as your favorite game.

I certainly hope this was all common knowledge for everyone here.
Not gonna edit this in, but I doubt the movie will be any good anyways. I'm waiting for Robin Hood, and whatever Mel Gibson wants to call his Viking movie.
I doubt they are being sarcastic. As a reader of Game Informer, most of there articles towards any game are either: Short and give no info, or pages long and just talk about how great it is, and this game copies this, or this game shows this other game is a rip off (switch other game with the movie). And then you can get biased reviews of a game, etc,etc. I personally only read the magazine now for the pretty pictures.
"Second, God of war is an RPG, which isn't exactly revolutionary."

I and many others would highly beg to differ...It's a action game... :|
"The movie even steals locations, like Athens and Hades, straight from the game. Shameless. Just shameless."

that part, at the very least, was quite obviously sarcasm
Well of course! It will be a rip off of God of War especially since God of War came out before Greek mythology.
I truly hope that was a sarcastic article. If it wasn't, I just lost faith in humanity as a whole.
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
"Second, God of war is an RPG, which isn't exactly revolutionary."

I and many others would highly beg to differ...It's a action game... :|

Even so, it's not revolutionary.
Masqurade wrote:
Well of course! It will be a rip off of God of War especially since God of War came out before Greek mythology.

I'm afraid this guys actually believes this. By the way, if the guy who wrote the article sees this, THAT's how you write something in a sarcastic tone.
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
I'm afraid this guys actually believes this.

no, he's not serious. you are a stupid person.
Gameinformer has become incredibly dumb today, Which is why I like IGN's reviews better.

God of War isn't an rpg though, puppy.
Zaole wrote:
no, he's not serious. you are a stupid person.

Yeah? I think you're a really lame troll, and banned as a result.
It's fun when people ban for small reasons. :D
Riku 123q wrote:
It's fun when people ban for small reasons. :D

Nah, he does this stuff on other peoples blogs. If you're going to troll, you need to be more subtle with it.

Also, I know it isn't an RPG, it's a hack-n-slash. All in this doesn't really have any merit in what I was talking about though.
I think the author is being very serious and is just a retard, like Sarah Palin.
Ulterior Motives wrote:
I think the author is being very serious and is just a retard, like Sarah Palin.

I can troll too :P
I'm talking about the person who wrote the article stating the movie is ripped from GOW. >.>

[Edit]Unless you are taking offense to the Sarah Palin remark. If you are, then listen to her talk. =P