Shin Angyo Onshi [English Release; Blade of the Phantom Master]
Shin Angyo Onshi takes place in the fictional land of Jushin, modeled after feudal Korea. In Jushin, there once lived secret government agents called the amen osa (or angyō onshi in the Japanese version), who traveled the countryside in disguise. They were charged by the king with finding and punishing corrupt government officials, and bringing justice to the country's citizens.
The Angyo Onshi
In S-A-O, the Angyo Onshi bear bronze medallions, given to them by the reigning king and emblazoned with between one and three horses. The greater the number of horses, the higher the rank of the Angyo Onshi. Angyo Onshi of the lowest, first mahai rank have one horse emblazoned onto their medallions, which allows them to wield basic magic to summon ordinary soldiers. The most powerful medallions feature three horses, and allow the bearers, third mahai, to perform summonings of skeletal-looking harlequinesque spirit soldiers and regenerate injuries.
The Main Characters
The series protagonist, he wanders the land with his third-mahal crest, having a jolly old time with adventures. Munsu suffers from an "unknown curse" that resembles asthma, which can only be alleviated by the inhaler-like charm he wears around his neck.
Munsu usually comes across as somewhat amoral and does not believe in helping people who refuse to help themselves. When he does help others, his methods almost always involve excessive bloodshed, lying, torture, seduction and other questionable acts.
A beautiful girl [ read, bandage-clad large-sword/claw wielding bondage-fetishist ninja ] with prodigious fighting skill.
She acts as Munsu's 'Sando', or bodyguard. When she was kidnapped by a corrupt lord who wanted to make her his personal bodyguard, her lover embarked on a quest to become an Angyo Onshi.
The villainous Aji-Tae!
A former scholar from Jushin and the man Munsu holds responsible for the destruction of the country. Many of Munsu's former allies and comrades have since switched their loyalties to Aji Tae, having been coerced by his power or duped by his charisma.
During the Junshin period, Aji Tae was General Munsu's second-in-command. At that time, he was smaller in size and sported short black hair and glasses.
He has an array of villainous abilities, as befits an exceptionally powerful magician, such as necromantic practices and the ability to explode people with naught but a glance.
Now that the SRS STUFF is done...
I'd like to say that Shin Angyo Onshi is definitely not standard fare, and possibly my second tip-toppiest manga.
I've tried not to reveal too much, I hope you enjoy it! There is also an animated movie of this manga, by the same name.
Thanks for reading.
what a manly main character