Nice article, really inspiring and i honestly think this should be publicly visible to all new game designers introduced into byond, like in the 'BYOND 101' or 'BYOND Whitepaper' sections, but theres only a small issue when one of your arguments:
Tiberath wrote:
As you can see, rushed appearance of my graphics aside, that is pretty poor. There's a lot of information on that which really doesn't need to be there. If I was some random new player who found your game outside of BYOND, I probably wouldn't give it the time of day. Let's break down what's wrong with it.
Now although i agree that most people get "turned off" by the lack of aesthetics in designs like this, bear in mind that customized skins were not introduced until 4.0 before which byond still had an impressive fan base(Players, Games, Designers) meaning people were still drawn into it despite that old tabs and what not layout.
Quite frankly im not really sure what my point is ;P but i felt old school byond needed a little back up XD...
The plan I had initially was to release the thing in stages. But I realised I was focusing less on interface work and more on an actual character creation. Which wasn't my goal.
I think part 2.1 was getting rid of the ridiculous amounts of input() creation systems that were everywhere and replace them with a single window, similar to this (I was hoping to find an old screenshot of a much, much better interface I'd made for a game I'd long since abandoned, but that's all I could find).
Part 2.2 was going to concentrate on the load screen. Replacing the normal "Select your saved character" input screen that normally pops up with something similar to this (same story as above, I seem to have lost my good screenshots D=).
The entire thing is pretty much done via winget() (and temporarily loading the savefiles to get user icon information to generated the preview avatar), and wouldn't be that hard to pick-up with a bit of elbow work and asking a few people politely how you'd go about it. Several people already have all of this stuff in place now anyway. Back when I began this "series", the interface was being largely ignored, with only minor edits to the default being made (which was bugging me, a lot).
Sorry guys/girls, but I've become an adult and work full time now. =(