Problem description:

my first game was perfect with a map of 400x400x6, 0 lag good graphics, then increase the level graphic example:


after changing the graphics there is a constant lag
is there any way around this?
It seems unusual that simply changing the graphics would cause the drastic change you're describing.

If you host the server in Dream Daemon locally, and then connect to it in Dream Seeker locally, which of the two shows up as using the most CPU in task manager while the game is "lagging"?

If it's Dream Daemon, then it's likely a code issue, and you should check for any runaway infinite loops or unusually intensive code by using the Profile tool.

If it's Dream Seeker, then it's a graphical issue (too much for the client to render). Do you have a lot of transparency on your map or in your HUD? Are you running in hardware graphics mode or software graphics mode?
Hello and thanks for the answer
first question:

yeah i host in Dream Daemon the server locally, and Then connect to it locally in Dream Seeker following action:
dream seecker 46,458 kb
dream deamon 29,654 kb

second question:
also lag occurs in the Dream Daemon to run him, this occurred after adding the turf of the new houses and the format of the code used is basically like this:
icon = 'casaexpestudiantes.png'
density = 1
layer = MOB_LAYER+1

therefore rule out that option I think the codes that unless I'm wrong :-s
third question:
in terms of transparency, I do not have too many, more or less around 300 turfs between transparency, density and opacity on the map of 400x400x6 do not think it too much or if it is?
finally the game runs in graphics hardware mode: '(
In response to JEY_SENSEY
Hello and thanks for the answer
first question:

yeah i host in Dream Daemon the server locally, and Then connect to it locally in Dream Seeker following action:
dream seecker 46,458 kb
dream deamon 29,654 kb

That looks like a memory statistic. I need to know which is using more CPU (the value should range from 00-99).

second question:
also lag occurs in the Dream Daemon to run him, this occurred after adding the turf of the new houses and the format of the code used is basically like this:
> casanueva8NV31
> icon = 'casaexpestudiantes.png'
> density = 1
> layer = MOB_LAYER+1

therefore rule out that option I think the codes that unless I'm wrong :-s

I agree, if that's the only kind of code you added, there's no reason for it to cause lag.

third question:
in terms of transparency, I do not have too many, more or less around 300 turfs between transparency, density and opacity on the map of 400x400x6 do not think it too much or if it is?
finally the game runs in graphics hardware mode: '(

Well, get back to me with the CPU stats and we'll see if we can track down the problem.