Hey guys, whats up! Haven't really been active all that much on my blog but I just want to ask if you guys would direct me to some awesome tutorials that would help me with text (make it all shiny looking), making buttons (somewhat like what Chris Gayle does, except he uses GIMP :(...). Anyways if you could point me in the right direction (or maybe teach me yourselves) that would be great. And thanks again guys!
Go Saints in Superbowl!
![]() Feb 6 2010, 7:42 am
Kingstone99 wrote:
He's right the colts have a 87% chance of wining. And I have a 0% chance of caring. Saints for the superbowl win! |
Howey wrote:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rw3BNF2BlKY&feature=fvw - Shiny Button I'm a Photoshop n00b (don't even have it). So maybe I'm over-reacting here, but that video was awesome. Makes me feel like I need to go and get Photoshop right now. I had no idea it was so easy to work with. My game's interface could really benefit from that. Anyway, thanks for the link. |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JAeUVTuNKg - Shiny Text