Chances are we'll get this thread up to like 600 posts by the end of the week.
Lies. -nay this thread!
I'll end tonight with another small preview.
Gonna drop out. I don't really have an artist and my crappy artwork wouldn't hold up to what I want the game to look like (simple yet visually pleasing), plus there's alot of great entries and lately.. I've just been working on my own project alot more than usual o_O
In response to Fugsnarf
Fugsnarf wrote:
I've let at least 5 random people test my game, so if it's against the rules then I'm screwed. I don't see why it would be.

Your alive O.O
No, he is not. He is merely a corpse being controlled by the wicked power that is Oasiscircle in his quest to take over BYOND and the world.
OC just wont let the snarf die...
Just finished my lobby system!

Really happy with how my game is turning out :)
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Just finished my lobby system!

Really happy with how my game is turning out :)

Really looking forward to seeing more from you :D
Our Game Run
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Which i doubt will win as soon as my eyes came across D4RK3 54B3R's Game Lawl
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
well there goes our chance to win. XD
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Just finished my lobby system!

Really happy with how my game is turning out :)

There goes everyone's chances of winning...

Even if you didn't get first place, the second and third place prizes are still a good sum of money. No need to get discouraged guys.
You've just entered fuckvill and D4RK3 54B3R is the Mayer.
I'm not so sure about how well I'll do in this contest.
I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew when it comes to contest entries with short timeframes; I didn't finish (but still submitted...) 3 out of 5 GIAD entries over the past few years, I didn't finish IainPeregrine's GetSomethingDoneChallenge 2010, I didn't finish anything more than a mini-entry for Lummox JR's Cartridge Classic II even though I had planned for more, I didn't finish my Zombie Empires entry for Lummox JR's Cartridge Classic I, I didn't finish my Cyberpunk RPG entry in the Iccusion Contest 2006, I didn't finish my entry in AZA's BuildASpaceGame 2009. In GIAD 2006, GIAD 2008, and GIAD 2009, I didn't even place in the top 10. My GIAD 2011 entry was decent, but extraordinarily buggy and wasn't balanced correctly towards gameplay. Still waiting on results for that one though.

I've only ever performed well in one contest over all these years: GIAD 2010.
Most of my submitted and playable contest entries are just games that look cool but don't play too well and simply aren't fun.

I still have a lot of work to finish between now and Friday. I'm spending so much time doing art and interfaces and stuff that I don't forsee myself being able to create a decent amount of content for the game.

I might get 15 points from graphics and polish, but the remaining 14 points from the other scoring criteria, which I have yet do any work towards, are probably going to bite me in the ass.

I have zero gameplay as of this moment and it's already Wednesday; the game is nothing more than a shiny chatroom with a lobby. Hopefully it'll be a lot more than that by Friday but by no means have I "won the contest already"...
His game is also using public domain graphics that he found, that's why it looks so good. Just because a game looks good doesn't mean it plays good. Not to doubt D4RK3 54B3R's ability to make a good game, or that the game already plays well. Just speakin a truth. A screenshot just doesn't say much when it comes to games. So don't be so discouraged, people!
In response to Zohan98
Zohan98 wrote:
A game we're currently working on, called "RUN", with caps.
basically, you run away from a wave of lava coming towards u with many obstacles in ur way cockblocking you such as birds running into u, blocks u must jump over.
THOUGH there are other powerups such as 2x speed, +1 life, fly
etc etc
heres a peak ;P

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The lava is a bit crappy and bg is choppy, but we're working on it ;D

we going to win :3 i hope
In response to Reaper123456789
Reaper123456789 wrote:
we going to win :3 i hope

Lets see a screenshot!
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