So when do we get to kno who Won? De Contest.
Its not over yet.
In response to ImmeasurableHate
ImmeasurableHate wrote:
Its not over yet.

He's probably just wondering because we've had contests like this one which were never judged.
Yut Put wrote:
My game's done. Tomorrow is 12 hours of solid polish, just like today.

I've made 6 people cry so far with the beauty of the atmosphere and story.

Super excited to see what you've been working on!
Got a decent first level into my game, seeing as I suck at designing maps. The things you find out about yourself on a deadline, I swear.
Yeah, I'm wishing I took a bit more time in the beginning on level design. I'll probably only get one area in and have a "to be continued" or something on there.
Don't get too cocky now. I mean, my game's the one that's going to win and all. :p
In response to Fugsnarf
Don't get too cocky now. I mean, MY game's the one that's going to win and all. :P . .
I'm very excited, honestly, to see everyone's projects. This is certainly the most exciting and fruitful competition I've seen around here. I hope a lot of good stuff comes from it.
In response to VixiV
What game :0
In response to BayJune
Lols A Game :3 with epic time thingy with plat and forms
-edit-And de nyan nyan cat >:O RaWR
Since I may not get another full map into the game in the little time I have left to work on it in the coming hours, I'm not posting anymore previews. You'll all see it when it is submitted.

On a side note, it looks like this competition has brought forth a few single player games and some sidescrollers. Good job getting some game types that aren't used often around here out there, guys!
Cheers to BYOND having a ton of new games to feature.
In response to Fugsnarf
*clangs his cup of mead*
Good luck everyone, there are exactly 23 hours remaining as I post this!
Final stretch, make it count and send those entries to [email protected]! (:
Come to think of it, mine is actually single player. At least for now. If I were to continue development, I would look into multi-player options as well. I originally intended to have a demo up here, but things change; so looks like I'll be holding back and cramming everything I can into the next roughly 22 hours for a more complete presentation (Though I need some of that for food and sleep and such, tch)

Anyway, point is I don't intend to count myself out yet, and with any luck my inexperience will not have stopped me from creating something that challenges you all as well. I look forward to seeing everyone elses games,and may this contest result in many new games for the listing pages of BYOND!
well going to have to drop out... got screwed by the programmer in the last day after 6 days of putting 10 hours of work into it.

anyway this is what the game was going to be about. a quick hack and slash/shooting game. that focused on the combat system/game mode. with your equipment having special effect on your basic abilities like dash, running speed, attacking speed/power ect.

this is all i have to show for about 10 hours a day, not even half of it....
In response to HungryJoke
WASD to move, click to shoot an awesome looking cannon. Then random tiles turn black and occasionally flash back to normal and back to black. I don't know who your programmer was or what he was trying to achieve, but it looks crappy. Not the art, just what was achieved with the programming.
oh so I guess I wasnt missing anything lol.
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