![]() Aug 6 2012, 3:02 pm
In response to HungryJoke
Looks pretty! (:
Hm. I'm not as far along as I'd like to be yet, but since so many previews are being posted I'll show a couple rough screen shots.
![]() ![]() Now, before anyone says something like "Oh no, not another dungeon crawler", which I would expect with all the ones popping up lately; this one is aimed to have a bit of a twist. The title of the game, you see, refers to the fact that you are now a captive in a seemingly infinite dungeon; why? Because you, an unfortunate young traveler, angered a sorcerer and in his rage he banished you to the before mentioned dungeon. Now you have to use what little you have to survive each floor of the dungeon, gathering and obtaining various items and skills, and seeing how well you fair in an increasingly difficult survival-like game with dungeon crawler and hack&slash elements. Oh, also please don't mind the zombie; I threw that icon together for the preview. The base still needs work. Focusing on combat and probably AI for now, though. |
Alright, it's finally time for me to share what I have for my game:
![]() Everything shown in the screenshot works, and the game is quite difficult to get a score over 1000 despite me not even trying to make it hard. I'm looking for descriptive feedback to help me improve the game before I put too much into it, so here's a completely playable demo: SpaceShooter.zip Controls are arrow keys or WASD to move, space to shoot. Thanks! |
Branks wrote:
Add a transparent glow around the stars. http://files.byondhome.com/TheLionsRoar/ spaceshooter-glow.png Something like what's shown here, if you can tell I made a change? I'm not an artist (I should've mentioned 95% of my art is from public domain sources) so I'm not entirely sure what you meant. |
Would it be all right with you guys if I drudged up an old project and started working on it again around Wednesday?
If you know me I have tons of "starter" projects that I get up to "proof of concept" and then just abandon. There's one that I can't, for the life of me, remember why I stopped working on it. Thoughts? I'm all right with a "no" but if you'd like I can show it's current progress which is about as much as 1 icon with animations and a map. |
No, sorry. That would be breaking the rules.
I hope that doesn't demotivate you, though. The whole point of this contest was to spark some developers to get some games done! (: |
Now I remember why I dropped it, I accidentally copied over my progress on it (via dropbox) and I was too pissed off at myself to put the pieces back together..
![]() I still don't have much to show for this, but I'll tell you what it actually is and what I will have in mind for the future: * It is a 2D pixel buffer made of 4x4 icons in an 80x60 array. * The scanlines are intentional for a retro-styled effect. * Currently, textures loaded into the game (all 10x10) can be transparent and scaled at both the X and Y axes * The game is only in monochrome and uses 10 shades, but on the backend the buffer holds data from 0-255 for each pixel. * textures can be transparent in some pixels. * The screen is cleared with the Cls(N=0) command with N being a number 0-100. This number depreciates the screen at this percentage, which can be used to create a cool blur effect. To be added: * Texture rotation * Perspective camera view * Game physics / logic / collision * HUD objects * pixel "depth" drawing * world map (made in cubes and sprites) |
Well I feel a little behind as I only started work today but things are progressing nicely.
![]() This is what I have so far. You can climb the ladders and jump, the wooden platforms crumble if you stand on the too long and the spikes will eventually do damage. |
I realized my game is turning more and more into a cross between portal and megaman.