Toadfish wrote:
This is really something you should figure out on your own (as opposed to expecting me to tell you), but I was merely pointing out something you might want to consider.

I've considered it many times, and always come to the same conclusion.
Toadfish wrote:


I'm a little bit of everything. ;3
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
I see your point but here's my take:

1. For me at least, while I do enjoy developing games, I'd like to actually be able to play some games every once in a while. It may be true that if you want something done you have to do it yourself but for say a rpg game, if you made it, you won't be able to enjoy playing it considering you know the story, mechanics and etc behind it.. :/
2. Life: college, jobs, etc
3. Yeah the old byond was better community wise to me and there DID seem to be more to play back then despite having less freedom with DM, and not even that long ago, such as the game Hurricane a few years ago...(seems just like yesterday)
4. It very well could be likely that some promising projects are just bubbbling under the surface, perhaps some guild could introduce games that "seem" to have promise every other day in order to bring publicity to it..Thinking a bit longer on that though, I could inevitably see harsh criticism for the owner and whatnot..

But overall, my little reply was probably all over the place but I really don't know how this can be fixed...Maybe the invisible hand approach should be taken...*shrugs Or, developers could try churning out more short term games..That's my preference for developing nowadays; I attempt to program games that have short development time and high replayability...

I loved FFF's game Hurricane :D
hurricane is awesome as vaginas. i probably still have the host files (for both versions) on this comp, and if i don't lots of other people do. but i can't host anymore :(
yay! :D
now i can make my ultimaet game hurricane fighters 9001: naruto sticks a pole up goku's ass
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