Aug 2 2012, 3:08 pm
Just looking for some advice and tips for someone still trying to learn the ropes. I tend to do best by trial and error. So I posted my first attempt at a geographical type situation(W/ the Rocky bottom and grass top). As well as a base that I have been making and have previously posted on the forum. (Concerns) -I think that I did an okay job at trying to create a texture for the grass. Atleast, for a first attempt. Yet, I'm having a hard time trying to decide how to add shading to the grass,based on the light source, without destroying the textural quality of the grass. -For the base, the key thing I have been working on is trying to replicate muscle tone. Also, trying to properly proportion their bodies based on sex. I think im steadily improving but any help in this regard would be appreciated. |
Aug 2 2012, 4:00 pm
NICE! the grass should be more defined instead of just flat (unless that was the look you were after)
The grass looks really messy and those rocks just don't look right. I think you should have a perspective and a proper light source.
For the grass I think this example would be the best: This would be the best reference for what you are trying to achieve: About the bases, they have weird shading and they look as if they were saved in Jpeg/jpg format. Once again, get a proper light source and proportion and then see work of other artists and understand their palettes and then use good colors. I hope this helps. =D |
In response to A2J2TIWARI
The clif and rocks on that second example are fairly bright IMO all this stuff just comes with practice :( which I need ;)