Just finished Mass Effect 2. Have to say that the first game absolutely trounces this sequel. Story and gameplay wise. I expected more from BioWare.
Your views and opinions ?
![]() Feb 1 2010, 2:09 pm
I wouldn't know about Mass Effect 2, my computer can't handle it and I don't have a 360. /cry
I have to agree with Asellia, I liked the second far better than the first. Combat is so much better it isn't even funny.
Gameplay wise Mass Effect 2 is vastly superior to Mass Effect 1. Mass Effect 1 was a really bad, really shallow TPS in terms of gameplay. Mass Effect 2 improved the gameplay, made it feel smoother and play a lot better. Mass Effect 2 did simplify some stuff, and remove some things. Some of it was good, some not so good. They removed a lot of the RPG elements, and compacted even more. I don't particularly mind this, but they could have improved them rather than removing them. They also removed the boring searching planets with the Mako. The downside is they replaced it with even more boring scanning planets. The worst part is it is essential to do as you need resources to upgrade stuff. Storywise they are fairly similar. Character wise however, Mass Effect 2 clearly wins. Mass Effect 2 definitely has some of the best characters I have seen in any game. Garrus is still a total bro. Mordin is hilariously awesome. Legion is just as funny. Tali is still Tali (HELL YEAH TALI ROMANCE OPTION). Grunt is awesome and laughs at silly worm eating Japanese people (no joke, he actually does). The only bad character was Miranda, and her annoying Australian accent. A great game, and a serious improvement over the first. |
Gameplay wise ME2 has made various minor improvements to just about every system in the game. From changing weapons overheats to actual ammo, to streamlining the leveling systems, to improved NPC/Crew relations, and countless other things.
They also replaced the crap-load of tediously worthless side quests (chase monkeys around!) with rewarding party member ones. The story wasn't insanely awesome in 2 (though I did enjoy the final mission), but neither was the story in the first game. I think I actually found a lot of the party members optional sub stories a lot more involved and interesting than the main plot of the game. And the graphics in 2 are hands down better, graphics in ME2 not only look better, but they run smoother and at 60 FPS. The game still suffers from blurry textures just about everywhere, but its not nearly as bad as it was in ME1. |
I completely agree with OP. Mass effect one had a more complex skill tree in conjunction with a way larger array of items,this game feels so much more shallow. Also the story is as good, im only disappointed that the pace hasnt increased at all. Its not fair to say the story is worse... its definitely on par,I expected more progression. All in all Mass Effect 2 is about on par with Mass Effect 1, but sequels demand improvement, and for that reason it has been a disappointment for me so far. It is still definitely worth playing.
Masterdan wrote:
Mass effect one had a more complex skill tree in conjunction with a way larger array of items... I actually preferred both of those changes in ME2. The equipment upgrades are a far more efficient system IMO, managing your inventory in the first game was just a pain. It also limited the appearance of all your characters, the 2nd game gives them each a unique look. In 2 the new weapons are more-so different play styles than just varied stats. And the armors in 2 allow you to customize Shepard's look, mainly for appearance (and less relevant stat boosts =P) The streamlined skill tree in 2 provides just as much depth as in the first really, it did however remove a lot of the tedious skills, which was a good thing. Now instead of being forced to form a team because ZOMG I NEED SOMEONE WHO CAN HAX BOXES OPEN you can pick a squad based more on the characters you want to travel with - they do still vary enough that it changes up combat based on who you pick, but not enough that you'll be limited in any way. |
The inventory management in the first Mass Effect was atrocious. Time has glossed over your memory of its imperfections.
Also, about the story. There is a constant 'impending doom' feel throughout the entire game. The non-skippable story events happening during your journey never let you forget about your final mission. Near the end of the game, after certain events, simply ignoring the final mission will cost your crew their lives. My only nitpick is the absolutely absurd amount of preorder/promotional DLC which is impossible to obtain now. I feel like I've been cheated out of a lot of content since I paid for the game while pirates are downloading it all for free. |
SuperAntx wrote:
All the cool looking helmets are only obtainable through promotion codes. All of the stuff I got through pre-order+deluxe edition was full suits. No customizable parts (helmets), and equipping them completely removed customization options. Think I have these three: 1, 2, 3 I found a couple cool looking helmets throughout the game though, but didn't bother using them because they covered my whole face and I liked to see when I was talking =P I also never bothered using any of the promo weapons, because the default ones seemed a lot better. |
Fuck yes, the code works on multiple accounts. I just got all three Dr. Pepper helmets.
The code is: CBEEAAA41NWH Go here: http://www.drpepper.com/promotions/ Make three accounts and use the same code to claim all three helmets. |
I like 2 10000000x better.