When you die and you have a baby somewhere, it asks you if you want to respawn as said baby, right?
For the love of god, tell people that they will LOSE THEIR WHOLE INVENTORY when they do that.
I am so pissed right now.
![]() Aug 2 2012, 2:06 pm
![]() Aug 4 2012, 12:28 pm
wow idk what to say
If you think about it, the baby is obviously not the same character as the parent and would have a separate inventory. Cheer up. Don't be too bent out of shape that you lost your whole inventory. Most objects in the game are available in abundance to the players. So it should be easy to reclaim whatever was in your inventory before.
It would be okay if I at least would be able to retrieve the items from my old (dead) character, but not even that. Everything on my old character is completely deleted. I have no problem with deleted characters, but the game should tell me when I'm about to do something irreversible with such great impact.
And I'm not mad about the lost items, I'm mad that I have to replace all the lost items. I have to remake all my tools, all my bags, all my equipment. That's a lot of time wasted and could easily be avoided by a simple message window. And, last but not least, all keys you had on your character are completely gone unless you have a mould lying around somewhere. Which means you possibly can't even enter your own home anymore. |
Probably even less than 10 minutes if you found someone to roleplay with and asked for items. That's one thing actually useful about groups.
Are you seriously arguing with me why we shouldn't have a "Warning: You will lose your inventory" message when you try to reincarnate as your child?
And the "you'll lose all your keys" issue still stands, even if it's oh-so-easy to replace everything else. Of course it's easy, but it's wasted time doing boring things you've already done before that could be avoided with a single line of text. Also you'll end up bald with the name Human Baby. But that's bearable compared to everything else. |
I dunno why you thought you'd keep your things though, that's the strange part. The child is obviously not the same person as the parent.
DigTK wrote:
I keep my things every time I die. The thought is not that bizarre. Considering you respawn as the same person, it's not as surprising that you keep your items. You're not the same person when you take control of your child. I admit, there's probably better ways to handle this. That's true for a lot of things Hazordhu does. This feature was added for strict role-players as an option to more simply carry on their family name without having to re-create their character. The other option would just be to completely delete your character every time you die; permadeath, the consequence the game should have, but the community isn't ready for. |
Oh I understand the reason of this feature, and it does make sense. What doesn't make sense is that you don't warn players when they are basically about to make a new character and delete their old one. That's all.
I won't make the mistake to spawn as one my children again. I'm over this. I just want to avoid that someone else stumbles into this situation and ends up pissed as I was. It's not good for the game to piss the players off. Vrocaan wrote: It is bizarre. Now shut up and either play or quit. Up yours. If you have nothing constructive to say, shut up and go away. Nobody forces you to read this. |
DigTK wrote:
Up yours. If you have nothing constructive to say, shut up and go away. Nobody forces you to read this. I'm going to go off topic and just state that Vrocaan's comment above was actually one of the nicest I've seen from him. Back on topic, I would like to see a warning too. |
Really, it all comes down to is it worth is to put in this extra line of text or not. I think it really isn't a necessary addition because it is implied that you will not have all your items you had before since you are told you will respawn as another person. Think of it this way. At the exact moment of your dad's death, will you be wearing the exact article of clothing that your dad will be wearing at the exact moment of his death? No, you probably won't. You probably won't have all his possessions in his pocket simultaneously in your pocket as well.
The fact of the matter is, there really is no reason or cause justifying the addition of this feature regardless of the small. Although you may have not been prepared to lose all your items, are enraged at losing the items, and are possibly blinded a bit by rage, it isn't really much of an issue, you have to remember that this is, at its core, an RP game. There rarely a legitimate RP reason for your baby to automatically have the exact same objects you had at the exact moment you take control of it. |
Really, it all comes down to is it worth is to put in this extra line of text or not. I think it really isn't a necessary addition because it is implied that you will not have all your items you had before since you are told you will respawn as another person.Consider how easy it is to add this. There's already an alert box when you respawn asking if you want to do this. Simply Ctrl+F that section of code, and add "Note: You will not retain any of your items if you respawn this way." Or, if we follow your logic, nothing should be told to the player. You should have to guess what every item requires to make it. There should be no tutorial at all, everything should be a guessing game. Think of it this way. At the exact moment of your dad's death, will you be wearing the exact article of clothing that your dad will be wearing at the exact moment of his death? No, you probably won't. You probably won't have all his possessions in his pocket simultaneously in your pocket as well.Think of this then, if your dad dies, would you not be able to find him and take the stuff he had? Of course you would. The items shouldn't magically disappear. The fact of the matter is, there really is no reason or cause justifying the addition of this feature regardless of the small.I'd rather have a game where the players are told what could happen when they choose an option that could delete their entire inventory. Although you may have not been prepared to lose all your items, are enraged at losing the items, and are possibly blinded a bit by rage, it isn't really much of an issue, you have to remember that this is, at its core, an RP game.RP-wise the former character should still have everything on his person. In short, it's easy to add and the items should appear on the corpse. Otherwise it doesn't make sense "RP-wise". |
TheGiftedSlayer wrote:
Think of it this way. At the exact moment of your dad's death, will you be wearing the exact article of clothing that your dad will be wearing at the exact moment of his death? No, you probably won't. When I die and respawn as myself I can go and skin my own dead body. This is way weirder than my son suddenly inheriting all my items. Also I agree with what Sjaelen wrote. |
1) I understand where you are coming from with the items magically disappearing. You are right, they shouldn't magically disappear. There is nowhere above where I said in any way that they should disappear.
2) HOWEVER, this doesn't mean however that they should automatically be put on your child character. This is an RP game. It would make no sense for the son to instantly have the objects his father had upon his father's death. There needs to be a legitimate reason for the son to have his father's possessions in his hands on the exact moment of his father's death. Given that laws of physics that govern the universe, there isn't one that allows the son to instantly possess these items. 3) Nowhere above have I stated or indicated that my form of logic explicitly states that "nothing be told to the player". Such a stance is quite absurd. However, I am against adding a feature whose problems in no way justify the work required to add the feature (no matter how small of a job the task is). DigTK wrote: When I die and respawn as myself I can go and skin my own dead body. This is way weirder than my son suddenly inheriting all my items. 4) Just because something else is considered "weirder" yet is part of the game in no way justifies adding something else weird. There is no logical reason justifying that course of action. The option to have you respawn as your own character exists to not have your characters be gone forever in Non-RP deaths. Which, RPly speaking, would mean your character hasn't died yet. There is a fine line between RP and OOC. |
TheGiftedSlayer wrote:
Given that laws of physics that govern the universe, there isn't one that allows the son to instantly possess these items. You shouldn't bring laws of physics into a discussion about a game where you can carry 1000 bars of metal at the same time using bags made of cloth. TheGiftedSlayer wrote: 4) Just because something else is considered "weirder" yet is part of the game in no way justifies adding something else weird. There is no logical reason justifying that course of action. The option to have you respawn as your own character exists to not have your characters be gone forever in Non-RP deaths. Which, RPly speaking, would mean your character hasn't died yet. There is a fine line between RP and OOC. Actually yes, it does. When you die you get a new body and all your equipment is transferred to that body. This is a fact since you can go back where you died and see your old body there, thus it has to be a new body you're in now. So when your items can be transferred to a copy of your own body, there is no reason why it shouldn't be possible to transfer them to some other body, which in this case would be the body of your son. |
I never said the child should get the stuff back; talk about pot calling the kettle black?
If you're against a 10 second job to make things more easily aware to the player, then I can't see what you'd possibly consider a good suggestion. This is truly an incredibly easy thing to add, there is no reason why the character should not be told this. |
Sjaelen wrote:
I never said the child should get the stuff back; talk about pot calling the kettle black? To clarify, please do not interpret all the content of my post as applying to you. There is also Mr. DigTK who is posting as well. Some of the stuff might be a comment on what you said, some of the stuff might be a comment on what he said, and some of the stuff might just be a comment in general. Unless it is explicitly stated (which I believe nothing I posted was explicitly directed at you Mr. Sjaelen), please do not interpret a comment as being explicitly directed at you. That being said. DigTK wrote: Actually yes, it does. When you die you get a new body and all your equipment is transferred to that body. This is a fact since you can go back where you died and see your old body there, thus it has to be a new body you're in now. So when your items can be transferred to a copy of your own body, there is no reason why it shouldn't be possible to transfer them to some other body, which in this case would be the body of your son. You seem to be ignoring the line between RP and OOC here. Just because you see something doesn't mean it exists in the RP Universe of the game. Take for an example bracketed text or the OOC channel. You see both of these things, yet they do not exist in the RP of the game. This just goes to show that it is possible for you to see something that does not exist in the RP. If you died in a fashion that would not be considered legitimate with regards to the established conventions of RP as they apply to the game of Hazordhu, then the body that you would see does not exist RPly. You may see it, but RPly it is not there because RPly you did not die. It has no legitimate RP cause for existing and thus cannot exist RPly. Although you might be in a "new body" (even though technically you are not because all the game does is create an object that looks like a dead body and teleports your mob to the spawn not actually creating a new mob for you) you RPly are in the same body that you were in prior to your UnRP death. You shouldn't bring laws of physics into a discussion about a game where you can carry 1000 bars of metal at the same time using bags made of cloth.There also seems to be confusion here. Just like the real world, the universe of Haz has its own laws of physics that govern the universe. While it is invalid to bring the laws of physics of the real world into this debate, it is completely valid to bring the laws of physics of Hazordhu into this debate. Sjaelen wrote: If you're against a 10 second job to make things more easily aware to the player, then I can't see what you'd possibly consider a good suggestion. Easy or not, it is redundant. The fact that this is an RP game and that the character you are going to play is going to be a different character says to the player enough that they probably won't be able to keep their inventory. Any time spent on adding a redundant feature is just a waste of time. |