Keywords: cpu, list, procs, usage
I'm unsure of wether or not this is the correct placement for this topic, though I suppose it could be moved at a later time.

I have recently been fiddling with text and list a lot, for a project I've slowly been developing alone.

As you can see, I ran two seperate test on these; seeing how much cpu was use uppon 100 thousand runs and 1 million runs simultaneously.

I'm quite pleased with these results, uppon my first test it resulted in almost 9 total cpu used for the Reverse() proc(per 100 thousand calls). I went ahead and re-wrote the proc and retested to a very pleasing drop in the cpu usage.

Reverse(var/T as text)
return newT
return b
list2text(var/list/L,var/a as text)
if(!L) return
if(!a) a=","
for(var/l in L)
if(!T) T+="[l]"
else T+="[a][l]"
if(findtextEx(T,a,1,2)) T=("EMPTY"+T)
if(findtextEx(T,a,-1)) T=(T+"[a]EMPTY")
while(findtextEx(T,"[a][a]")) T=replaceText(T,"[a][a]","[a]EMPTY[a]")
return T
text2list(var/T as text,var/a as text)
if(!T) return
if(!a) a=","
if(!findtextEx(T,a)) {L.Add(T); return L}
if(findtextEx(T,a,1,2)) T=("EMPTY"+T)
if(findtextEx(T,a,lentext(T))) T=(T+"EMPTY")
while(findtextEx(T,"[a][a]")) T=replaceText(T,"[a][a]","[a]EMPTY[a]")
return L

The above of the proc codes I used for these test.
Below is the test I used.
var/i=100000//altered this to 1mil for other test.

I included 5 text entries into a list, equaling to 16 total characters.

I would like to have input from other programmers to help me correct anything that'd allow for better preformance without taking away functionality.

I would also like others to attempt their own test and share with me their results, so that I can see how it effects others.
replaceText() isn't defined for me. Not sure which library is that so I cannot test most of your code.

The only thing I tested was:
/proc/Reverse_List 5.349 5.417 5.625 1000000

If I got all indexes right then code should work right away.
var/list/b = L.Copy()
for(var/i = 1; i < L.len / 2; i++)
b.Swap(i, L.len - i + 1)
return b
Profile results:
/proc/Reverse_List 3.497 3.583 3.809 1000000

In response to Zaoshi
I apologize.
proc/replaceText(String, Search, Replace)
if(!findtextEx(String, Search)) return String
var/String_len = lentext(String)
var/Search_len = lentext(Search)
var/Replace_len = lentext(Replace)
for(var/Pos = 1, Pos <= String_len, Pos++)
if(cmptextEx(copytext(String, Pos, Pos+Search_len), Search))
String = copytext(String, 1, Pos) + (Replace) + copytext(String, Pos+Search_len)
String_len += Replace_len - Search_len

I forget which libary it's from, but I'm sure the author was Spuzzum. I combined some of his works into a single file.

I haven't done a whole lot of work with the pre-defined functions for list in BYOND.
In response to Zaoshi
Profile results (total time)
Proc Name Self CPU Total CPU Real Time Calls
----------------------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
/proc/Reverse_List 4.400 4.496 4.808 1000000

It does present a slight improvement over my own, very nice.

I thank you for your input. I'll not simply take your code however, I will take your correction into account though.
In response to NNAAAAHH
You can optimize that replaceText() by using findtextEx() to jump to the exact index of each occurrence instead of checking at every index.
In response to DarkCampainger
I actually attempted to create my own replaceText by using findtextEx(), but it resulted in a higher cpu on mass calls for some reason. I planned on revisiting the subject at a later date, I suppose I could do so now.
In response to NNAAAAHH
So long as Zaoshi doesn't mind and you understand what's happening, taking the code is not a problem. In fact, my Maptext "Library" originated from me taking a snippet that Kaiochao posted and putting my own touches on it.
In response to Albro1
I know, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I took the code. I however, do mind. I do not wish to recieve things I should do on my own; I'm using the replies as refrences to improve myself in this feild.