So, the RTS game I am making is apparently not RTS enough.
Which means I am significantly changing things.
Firstly, to make it more RTS like, the leader of each team is now treated differently from other players.
They cannot directly interfere or interact with anything in the game. They will take on a role that you do in most RTS games.
They will look around the map, keep track of units, issue orders and decide how a base should be built/upgraded.
The game interface will be changed to allow for these changes.
But, units themselves will still play closer to an action game.
The second change is the game will have a tech tree. This includes limits on units.
Initially you can build like 5 buildings, and have 3 different units.
If you build some Barracks, you gain access to 2 more units and so on.
As you build/upgrade buildings you will further unlock new buildings/units.
Additionally, some buildings will have multiple types of upgrades.
You can upgrade those barracks to unlock an additional 2 units. Or you can select the "Training" upgrade, which will make all melee units slightly stronger.
To allow for this, new types of buildings will be added, and various upgrades for each building type will be added.
Also, units will now need their own resource to maintain.
It is food basically. You cannot gather it, but have to build something to produce food. You base gives 10 food, and you can make farms to increase that by 5.
Each unit has a food cost while they are alive. If your team has 20 food, and 16 is being used and you want to be a unit that has a food cost of 5, you cannot.
Here is an example of the planned tech-tree so far...
However. People playing as units will still have a more action oriented role in the game.
The teams leader will have to relay information to the team, and to "issue them commands". But it is still upto the players to act on that information/commands.
Will probably be able to implement this within a weeks time, may have some testing to do when it is implemented.
Also going to add a 2 team only map to stop testers from spreading out to thinly.
Jan 29 2010, 5:52 pm
Jan 29 2010, 6:46 pm
Mmk that's good to hear.