This is a game where players do a. Oh screw that.
Blah blah.
SS13 is a game full of jerk offs.
Anyone like Deathnote? Are you a furry? Do you know anyone or talked to anyone who likes anime or furries? You're screwed.
The hosts are Random Banners. But they perm ban.
Sadly I have no links to Byond and I cannot report the game for being a waste of time and effort, But I can tell others to stay well out of reach of it.
This game is a waste of your Byond time, NEVER Play it, unless you like being cyber-bullied.
Plus, playing it will get you hurt emotionally for a game thats not worth the gameplay, The images are epicly crap. Almost as if they just rushed everything into the making.
This isn't a game review, Its the truth.
The admins are given money to pick on their players, from 5 dollars to 40 dollars. I beleive some people may of heard of that claim before.
Its true.
Reporting a ban to the website they own will just get you bullied further. They just post comments with dishonor for social normality. They are cruel people. I said I was a furry so then they posted images of hunted wolves on the forum. They also said I then like to masterbate over these images. v.v#
See what I mean? If you play this game without being a 100% Douche bag, You'll get banned for being a normal person, Or someone who has interest of being an anthromorphic avatar. (No, I dont lurk Fur Affinity or any websites, Stop asking. Not all furries are like that.)
Jan 24 2010, 12:59 am