yay I finally got banned, now I feel like I've accomplished something~
I fucking hate you i hope you choke on a dick i wish you qould die in the most painful way imaginable. you suck you ugly stupid bitch whore unclefucking slut
Luiz Guilherme 05 wrote:
wtf, why u banned me? only for atking the pink haired girl that were blocking me?? Ur Dumb???

Okay. First off, you didn't read the rules.
Second, you rushed the basement.
Third, you didn't even try to emote your attack.

Who's the dumb one here?
DomNomNom wrote
yay I finally got banned, now I feel like I've accomplished something~

Silly goose, i got banned on my first day :3
well, on to the actual piece....
well, if this was re-written, i'm sorry, but... no writing prizes anytime soon.

If this was written all at once... well, it has potential, I guess... i mean, I've been writing stories for a while now, but i guess this is a draft so grammar is not as important... but, it'as an okay piece, anyway. needs some work, but, cool...
Hey forkster heard you were back ahahaha
Ummm... i thoght hoarding would only count for the basement.
The One And Only Kira wrote:
Ummm... i thoght hoarding would only count for the basement.
Why the hell did you ban me???

First off, hoarding counts for everything. Thus, the guidelines that include everything. However, I banned you because you were rushing.
Ahhh... Sorry. Will i ever be unbanned?
The One And Only Kira wrote:
Ahhh... Sorry. Will i ever be unbanned?

I'll unban you if you promise to read the rules again and follow them.
you banned me

i apologize for breaking a rule. it wont happen again. it was my first time playing and i did not know how to emote an attack. scince then i have learend and wold like to play on one of your games.
Again i apologize
Sonasoma wrote:
you banned me

i apologize for breaking a rule. it wont happen again. it was my first time playing and i did not know how to emote an attack. scince then i have learend and wold like to play on one of your games.
Again i apologize

I apologize for banning you, I did not know you were a newbie.
Forkkie you fail, not allowed in other classroom? I'm not gonna join in your fail server again. Oh by the way, Creepy Red Haired Boy entered into our classroom yet he is not banned? You, sir, are fail, and is a trap.

Edit: You are a cwad

Akira Jin wrote:
Forkkie you fail, not allowed in other classroom? I'm not gonna join in your fail server again. Oh by the way, Creepy Red Haired Boy entered into our classroom yet he is not banned? You, sir, are fail, and is a trap.

Edit: You are a cwad


The rule is that you can't take items outside your own classroom. You have freeroam, but things can be mistaken as rushing.
I do not care if you do not join, you sound like a smartass anyway.
I don't know what you're talking about, seeing as you're not joining my fail server.

You mad, bro?
Phew... i hope you get the message.
Am i banned for life in your server?
I hope not... your servers are the best out there.
However, i apologize for my rushing.
Are you a author? Looks like it.
The Shinigami Rem
Nah. You'll be unbanned.
However, for now, I'm taking a break.
Just out of curiosity why did I get banned?
Miss Forkkie unban me >.< I got chained banned form logging on someone account, unban this account and my alt which also got chained (add me as byond buddy)
I apologize for the hoarding and the apparent RK
To make myself suffer for double ban reasons I have promised myself to not submit an unban request until now, about a week after my ban.
I have re-read the rules and promise to not pick anything up for the first 5 rounds I come back to your server for.
I as wel promise to always provide RP reason for killing somebody.
Your servers are great, and I ask to be unbanned.
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