Keywords: mitadake
1.No RK or RA
pretty much means no random killing or attacking...RP!!!...or i will use Bankip on you.

2.Dont Metagame.
Like in DN mode...its annoying when people say that they know about the Dn or kira's powers, or eyes....DON'T FREAKING DO IT!!!

3.No IC on OCC.
Which means no telling who the killer is in chat...pretty much talking about the game in general in chat...i mean you know...NO SPOILERS!!!!

4.Dont be an ass to others
I mean in a way where you really piss off the players and they would like me to ban you or i would like me to ban you.

5.Cyber is NOT allowed
6.Before attacking do initial attacks
I cant frustrate enough about this problem...i mean come one...its easy, you just go to emote and then type in something like "starts attacking red with axe" or something that resembles isnt that hard to do

7. Dont post a server on my server without permission.
Its annoying like hell...its better to just ask me...considering that sometimes i might say yes then just be an ass and post it on Chat...not even it has to be yeah thats bannage there.

If you are in danger of bannage, you can try to plead your case, but if you cant or is will be either manhunted, Banned by the Bankip, or pwned by my Ban scythe..either way, you still get banned.

9.No Chatspeak
so dont go on RP rounds going LOL or OMG, etc. spell it out like O M G or O-M-G.

10.Family Rivalry (simple rules that almost everyone fails at)
When i put on Family Rivalry...i will ask all of you to stay in the houses till everyone knows each other....when i say Begin...thats when you can all leave the house...WHEN I SAY BEGIN....i have had players get confused with who is who and started killing each others' members.

11.Dn Mode
Theres a rule in DN mode because sometimes people dont have enough time to RP cuz of DN killings at the speed of a handwritting...the thing is i dont like DN cuz of that but i have figured out a soulution. The rule of DN mode is that you have to wait 6 or 7 minutes( real world..) when using the DN, that means that when you have killed someone, you pretty much have to wait 6 or 7 minutes for each kills. If you break this rule you cannot play for 2 rounds in the server, break the rule again and its ban. I WILL GET YOU. so dont try it...let people RP.

12.Dn in Normal
i have been lenient with DN in normal..but now if you have the DN in normal...dont use it...and also the only place a DN can be used at is the Death Note map...cuz theres a DN but only Misa and Kira knows..or just Kira

13.RK rounds
There will be RK rounds depends either vote or just an event.

14.No random chopping
That means No chopping doors unless you have a good reason or its rk round.

15.Death Note Map Rules
Death Note Map is mostly played in normal mode because of some flaws, for example, people like L can spawn with the DN in normal..thats one. My point is when DN Map is played in DN mode there is some certain rules. First, if you spawn as Misa and you are a guy(if you don't want would be weird though), tell the host that you want to change your role with either a female player that is a citizen or wants to change their roles. Second, If the map is played in DN mode, follow the 11th rule and if you are spawned with DN and have another role, either give up the DN or the role just were spawned with to someone who doesnt have a role. Third, Noone knows where M's Base is or N or L. Fourth, When you die and you have the Role of N,M,L,or Police Chief say it on chat so Sakura TV can announce it...if they dont announce it in 5 minutes, then ill announce it.

16. Roles(dont have to choose from can create one)
There are Roles in my server and sometimes i choose who gets roles but mostly all the time i just put up roles and let the players choose their roles, and one more thing...dont get roles that are from another anime...i mean how the hell is naruto involved with a high school with a murderer and they are trapped...see it just doesnt make any sense.

Roles: Psycho, Detective, L smart, Leadership, Pervert, Emo, Kind, Hyper, Shy, one who seeks love, one who seeks power, bully, President of Student Council, Class President, Member of student council, Ladies Man, Lazy, Over Protective, Phobic, Mute, No Emotions, Confused(lol), Mind of a Kid, and Prankster.(oh and 2 can have the same roles)

16. No Godmodding
YOu ask what i mean by this?....ive seen idiots rpging that when they were grabbed...they rp that their hands warp out of his or her grasp...thats godmodding...powers of...a god?. my point is dont rp that shit...if the situation was like this would have been better if they would rp that he struggles himself free from the grasp...THATS much better.

Follow these simplistic basic rules and you will have an awesome RP and no Bankip will be used.
I feel that I was swiftly banned for accidentally chopping a door (having, admittedly, only skimmed the rules) without having been given the opportunity to plead my caseö
good now i won't get killed by the bankip
zelnor you were banned cuz of ra or rk
ReaperXIII wrote:
good now i won't get killed by the bankip

ha you wish you werent killed by the bankip >:D
no way i follow the rules all the time i won't get killed

Xeonxionx wrote:
ReaperXIII wrote:
good now i won't get killed by the bankip

ha you wish you werent killed by the bankip >:D

Zelnor wrote:
I feel that I was swiftly banned for accidentally chopping a door (having, admittedly, only skimmed the rules) without having been given the opportunity to plead my caseö

You still banned Zelnor?
Family rivalry is my fave mode....tell when you're gonna do it next time fool!
those maps are cool i hope you dont ban me from your server is awesome
Im pregnant
Xeon im sorry for rking. your server is really good can u unban me i promise ill never rk.
fine ill unban you both oh and...NOM NOM NOM server is lovable XD
Pankakes wrote:
Im pregnant

good luck with that....not paying child support...XD Caramelldansen_L_Re_uploaded_by_yuumei.gif
yeah thats me in a couple of days XD...fear my dancing skills...-has turned into L- XD
Xeonxionx wrote:
Pankakes wrote:
Im pregnant

good luck with that....not paying child support...XD

I was gangraped, you people need to chip in for this shit or im throwin it away
Xeonxionx wrote: Caramelldansen_L_Re_uploaded_by_yuumei.gif
yeah thats me in a couple of days XD...fear my dancing skills...-has turned into L- XD

Nice, it looks Lovable, Kissable and definetly Rapeable
Pankakes wrote:
Xeonxionx wrote: Caramelldansen_L_Re_uploaded_by_yuumei.gif
yeah thats me in a couple of days XD...fear my dancing skills...-has turned into L- XD
you would think of that wouldnt you pankakes
Nice, it looks Lovable, Kissable and definetly Rapeable

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