Some crazy wacko on that evil Fox News channel made a really good point. He said that if the government has the ability to give rights, they have the ability to take them away. Do you really want people to decide what your rights are and what they aren't? Healthcare isn't a right, but if you want to place the judgement of giving a right to the people in washington, they can just as easily take away your right to all other sorts of things.
The government already takes away rights at will, hence the Patriot Act. They ultimately can do what they want, and people won't care, as long as they say it's for national security.
It's always weird to me that people jump to these sort of conclusions. If I said that no one has a right to a free body guard, would the reasonable conclusion then be that I would stand by and watch if an innocent person was getting attacked?
If I said that no one has a right to a free meal at a fancy restaurant, would you conclude that I'd never treat someone to dinner?
Or how about if I said that no one has the right to a free Xbox. Would you then believe that I don't want people playing video games?