(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
for(var/mob/them in world)
winset(src, "playerlist", "current-cell=1, [them]")
world << output(them, "playerlist")
winset(src, "playerlist", "current-cell=2, [them.level]")
world << output("Lvl: [them.level]", "playerlist")
for(var/obj/minion in party)
winset(src, "partylist", "current-cell=1, [minion]")
world << output(minion, "partylist")
winset(src, "partylist", "current-cell=2, [minion.level]")
world << output("Lvl: [minion.level]", "partylist")

The grids only show the 1st player/minion and nothing else. How do I make it show the whole list?

Take a look at the skin reference again. current-cell takes the format XxY, not x,y. Also, you can use output() to send output to a specific cell.
output("text", "grid:row,column")

for(var/obj/minion in party)
world << output(minion, "partylist:[partysize],1")
world << output("Lvl: [minion.level]", "partylist:[partysize],2")

I do this now but still have the same problem. The var partysize increases by +=1 everytime the verb that calls this proc is called, and partysize increases before the proc is called.
In response to Zerok Kaiba
Best response
You're outputting every minion to one cell, located at [partysize],1 and ,2.
This is probably what you want; a vertical list:
var n
for(var/obj/minion in party)
n ++
world << output(minion, "partylist:[n],1")
world << output("Lvl: [minion.level]", "partylist:[n],2")
I tried that and everything is still going all to the same cell. Are you sure there's not anything missing?
In response to Zerok Kaiba
The grid also needs to not be a flexible list.
Ah that was the problem. Thanks a lot for the help really appreciate it.