![]() Jan 14 2010, 11:45 am
I'm trying to do a research paper on this, and I can't seem to find any good information. If you have any, please direct me to where I can find some good sources.
![]() Jan 14 2010, 11:55 am
Saying the future is way too vague. I could tell you that in a 500 million years the earth might be swallowed by the sun, but there's a good chance your project is more about the nearby future, such as within the next hundred years.
Yeah, you really need to narrow down your research topic. You could not possibly cover everything relating to the future of earth in a single research paper. Not just time wise either-- think about something specific about the earth's future.
Basically what's going to happen is that Iran will get nuclear weapons and wipe Israel off the map since we've waited ten years after they said that they'd have nuclear weapons in ten years, ten years ago.
Once they wipe Israel off the map, they'll attack the US, and if we attack back, Russia will be an ally to Iran and attack back at us and it'll start a global nuclear World War 3 completely ending humanity as we know it. |
Fugsnarf wrote:
Basically what's going to happen is that Iran will get nuclear weapons and wipe Israel off the map since we've waited ten years after they said that they'd have nuclear weapons in ten years, ten years ago. or none of those things will happen |
What will the enviroment be like, what will technology bring, population, etc.
It only has to be 4-5 pages, doublespace, with images. The information doesn't have to be spot-on accurate, but it has to present an idea of what the future is most likely to bring. |
Fugsnarf wrote:
Basically what's going to happen is that Iran will get nuclear weapons and wipe Israel off the map since we've waited ten years after they said that they'd have nuclear weapons in ten years, ten years ago. Yeah, let's completely forget about the fact that Israel also has nuclear weapons. It would be a regional war at most. |
Iran also said that they would attack the US as well. Let's not forget that. They hate us just as well.
if you want to make it an interesting paper, you could include conspiracy theories and how they might play out. P.S. Im not saying i believe conspiracy theories, although they are interesting to read about. For example, maybe write about how the US will have Martial law and about a one world governments and stuff like that. if it seems interesting, that site has TONS of info on conspiracy theories, videos and documentaries. or a simple search on you tube for Alex Jones will turn up alot of stuff. and a question: is it a paper on your opinion of the future of earth? or does if have to be fact based? if it has to be fact based, you can kinda rule out my option ;D hahaha. |
Rugg wrote:
What will the enviroment be like, what will technology bring, population, etc. That sounds easy...Why can't you just write a paper on what you personally think may happen based on what it is that you know since it only has to be an idea rather than widely supported theory? |
Because I don't know what may or may not happen, and I want a general idea. I'm open for any possibilities so long as they are likely, or something of that variation. Nothing like 2012 and whatnot.
Rugg wrote:
Because I don't know what may or may not happen, and I want a general idea. I'm open for any possibilities so long as they are likely, or something of that variation. Nothing like 2012 and whatnot. When it comes to humanity itself, and assuming that we don't all kill ourselves, the world will probably follow some necessary trends. - Advancements in medical technology will almost certainly improve dramatically in the next few decades, and the life span can be expected to be several decades higher in most developed countries at the end of this century. I wouldn't necessarily predict any major cures for cancer or AIDS or anything like that, but treatment, especially with stem cell research going full steam ahead now, will be worlds better. Alzheimer's will definitely be more treatable. - Computers will obviously be faster and more powerful than they are now, and the general trend of technology should be one towards higher efficiency and output. We can expect massive advances in nanotechnology, transportation, and energy production, especially in Solar energy and Nuclear energy. - One of two things will happen. Either there will be major changes to the structure of food production and distribution in the world, or many millions of people will starve, especially in Africa and Asia. The same goes with water, too. I expect more efficient desalinization methods or extremely stringent conservation methods in many areas of the world. - As for the planet itself, biodiversity can be expected to fall dramatically due to human development, just as it always has. We'll have plenty of new diseases show their faces, and if global warming trends pan out the way they are projected to, we can expect a massive boom in the insect and bacteria population of the world. - And of course, at least one major war is bound to occur in the upcoming decade or two, given demographic trends and population booms of the past few decades, which are also expected to continue. It definitely won't be in Europe, which I would expect to become ever so slightly more unified as time goes on, but likely candidates are central Asia involving Pakistan, China, or India, the Middle East, Northern Africa, or potentially a larger scale repeat of the Second Congo War. It's gonna be a fun future. |
Thanks Vexonater. I'll look up those topics. Would you know any specific place to look?
Vexonater wrote:
stuff Let's not forget that once we can make batteries out of carbon nanotubes, we can make lightsabers out of plasma. |
Rugg wrote:
Thanks Vexonater. I'll look up those topics. Would you know any specific place to look? I can't think of anything in particular. The best idea would just be to Google your topic and add "advancements" or "future" and see what shows up. |
Fugsnarf wrote:
Basically what's going to happen is that Iran will get nuclear weapons and wipe Israel off the map since we've waited ten years after they said that they'd have nuclear weapons in ten years, ten years ago. You're absolutely wrong. The Iranian government doesn't have the smarts, strengths or independence to even start thinking about those things. All they do is talk big, otherwise it's a pretty hollow skull they have. |