Fugsnarf wrote:
How does that make me a racist?

There is a clear demographic that Glenn Beck caters towards... I'm just guessing from your many other statements that you are the typical social conservative non fiscal conservative GOPer... Glenn Beck filters that with fear mongering...

Hence, if you think this is "real", you can be made scared of anything that, well, isn't you.
That statement does not, in any way, answer how I could be a racist for liking him. I am also not a Republican, nor am I a democrat. I am however a conservative. To me, a black person is just another human. They are not different than me except for skin pigment and some physical features. My sister has darker skin than me and she's pencil thin, I guess I hate her.
Fugsnarf wrote:
I'm sorry, but, if there's one thing in this world that pisses me off beyond anything that can piss me off, it's someone calling me a racist.

Everyone's a little bit racist, so get off your high horse.

The race card is played way too much. I'm a conservative, I must be racist. I like Glenn Beck, I must be racist. I don't like Obama's policies, WOOOAH that's going WAY too far. I MUST BE A RACIST FOR THAT!! I'm white too, I must be racist!

To deny that you are a racist is disingenuous. To be entertained by an entertainer who makes a living off of stoking your fears of the unknown is what's at issue.

I am no racist. Sure, I can't prove that to you, but neither can you prove to me that I am. I tell you now that I am not in any way whatsoever a racist. I even went on a humanitarian trip to Africa to help the people there. Why would I do that if I hated black people?

Why do you think people in Africa need your help and pity in the first place? Are you _that_ much better use your humanitarian work as a badge of "I'm a good person" honor? Be like like Jesus, and just do your part silently and without need of reward.

I have plenty of black friends as well. I'm not a racist, and you have NO right to call me one, Bootyboy. You crossed a line there.

The heart of American social conservativism is based on a basic collectivist thought that the Christian way should be the government's way. You do not deny that. Christianism (not to be mistaken with Christianity) in government goes against the basic tenets of acceptance of difference -- it took over a century to reverse Dixicrat racist policy in the South, will probably take another century to eliminate GOP anti-gay policy.

A good Christian does not subscribe blindly to the Christianist platform of the GOP, let alone think that Glenn Beck is entertaining.
We went to Africa to help with their medical needs, which are extremely high. They were more grateful than you can imagine.

I'm only using that to try to prove that I am not a racist. I am not a perfect person in any way.

If you think that everybody has to have some speck of racism in themselves, I think you are wrong. I am not racist in any way, shape, or form. I have nothing against other races. Once again, I can't prove that to you, but you also still have no right to try to state it as a fact for me. Playing the race card never goes the right way. Just don't do it.
Fugsnarf wrote:
We went to Africa to help with their medical needs, which are extremely high. They were more grateful than you can imagine.

That's not the point. Charity is done silently and requires no gratitude. To put it in other words, we wouldn't find Jesus tweeting about how cool it was when he turned water into wine.

I'm only using that to try to prove that I am not a racist. I am not a perfect person in any way.

Exactly my point. Racism is an offshoot of collectivism. It's in our nature to be collectivist when faced with the unknown -- I could go on about perfect data and perfect decisions, but I'll wait on that. The main point I want to get across to you is that to quell this natural reaction to the unknown, you should be seeking out facts and information, not faith nor affirmation.

If you think that everybody has to have some speck of racism in themselves, I think you are wrong. I am not racist in any way, shape, or form. I have nothing against other races. Once again, I can't prove that to you, but you also still have no right to try to state it as a fact for me. Playing the race card never goes the right way. Just don't do it.

Give me a break, Fugs. According to your religion, you believe in inequitable marriage rights. That's just something you've posted recently... I'm sure there are plenty more collectivist "beliefs" you're forced to have because of your religion.
I'm not forced to believe anything. I believe it myself. Here is not the place to debate with you about why that is, however.
Fugsnarf wrote:
I'm not forced to believe anything. I believe it myself. Here is not the place to debate with you about why that is, however.

So you are at least admitting upon your own free will that you're a little bit racist... we're getting somewhere.

I didn't say that. I don't know where you get these things.
Fugsnarf wrote:
I didn't say that. I don't know where you get these things.

From MrTophat's coming out of the closet blog post.

This is your comment (Comment 11):
I'm not for gay marriage, I believe it should be between a man and the woman and I stand by my biblical beliefs.
I did say that, but I also said in another post where his coming out of the closet came up that according to the Bible, being gay is a sin. At the same time, lying is a sin. I've lied, and I still continue to even though it's a sin. It's part of my human nature. God forgives all sins, and he also says that no sin is greater than another. That being said, we should still try not to sin.
What I find interesting, is how Fugs is extremely angered by being called a racist for no reason, and yet Glenn Beck has done exactly that to the President.

Beck called Obama "a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture."

A quick google or search on youtube will confirm that, if you don't believe me.
Whether he's a racist or not doesn't automatically mean that I'm a racist. It makes me angry when people accuse me of being something that I am not, and not even having any proof to back it up, just assumptions.
An idiot arguing with idiots?
I would say Glenn Beck is the worst thing that Fox News, an already terrible station, has to offer- but they just brought Palin on board.
I can simply not put into words how much I hate Glenn Beck than the following phrase: Can Bill O'Reilly please be the center of attention again?
Glenn Beck raped a murdered a young girl in 1990.
IcewarriorX wrote:
Glenn Beck raped a murdered a young girl in 1990.

IcewarriorX wrote:
Glenn Beck raped a murdered a young girl in 1990.

Yeah, I heard about that. It's probably true since he hasn't denied it yet.
Guys, if you're going to use that meme, you need to use it CORRECTLY. Here's the form:

"People have said that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990. I'm not saying he's a murdering child-rapist, but it begs the question: why hasn't he denied these allegations?"

Obviously, you can alter it as you see fit, but the basic form of it is that you have to attribute to claim to "other people" and pretend to be reasonable. Otherwise, it's not satire, it's just being an idiot who falls for the same shit that Glenn Beck peddles.
Garthor wrote:
Guys, if you're going to use that meme, you need to use it CORRECTLY.

lol u mad?
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