If you've got any good ideas for new unlocks, and you can draw them, modify these icons and send me your creations on AIM. Come up with requirements to unlock your item, and of course, I'll give it to you just for making it, if I feel it's up to Bomberman Arena code.

Keep the color scheme the same if you want to be able to change colors of parts.

Head Color = red rgb(255,0,0),rgb(192,0,0),rgb(128,0,0),rgb(64,0,0)
Body Color = blue rgb(255,0,0),rgb(0,0,192),rgb(0,0,128),rgb(0,0,64)
Arms/Legs Color = yellow rgb(255,255,0),rgb(192,192,0),rgb(128,128,0),rgb(64,64,0)
Skin Color = green rgb(0,255,0),rgb(0,192,0),rgb(0,128,0),rgb(0,64,0)

Files are also available at:

Nice, I'll get started right away
When do you usually logon Dragon? I completed a Bomber Unlock set yesterday and have been looking for you.

I might do a few more. :/
Hmm I made an icon I think is pretty good with the bomberman base.
What if we don't want it to be recolourable?
I'm not sure if I made the colours right so that it could be recoloured =/
anyways I guess I'll try sending them to you..
If you don't want them recolorable, just use colors other than the ones I used. (i.e. not 255, 192, 128, or 64)

Sorry for the download not working for the icons, I exceeded my bandwidth limit because of the screenshots in my hub entry. Next month should be better.
I made an icon [I'm not too good.. but I tried. ^^;], but I don't have AIM. I have MSN though, if you have it.
yes, I have MSN but I'm not so eager to post my e-mail address, page me and I'll give you my MSN
Anyone need to the icons? For bombmerman? Come to my site..

I'm hosting it on my server so you don't have to waste your BYOND bandwidth, you can still keep it up if you want, of course.