Flesh and Drone

by ACWraith
Flesh and Drone
Create/control minions to destroy opposing daemons.
Hammer met Nail and PathWrath 2 was put away for a day. I just updated my daemonic boardgame of adaptable units, Flesh and Drone. I pulled some ideas from the PathWrath 2 revamp. However, I mainly wanted to remove the clashing colors.

Old => New




I'm looking at two different tabs in those last two pictures. The table of drone strengths is still available.

Here's the list presented in the game.
  • The default resolution has been increased to 1024x768.
  • The large tabs have been merged. The Start button becomes a link back to the miasma when a game is in progress.
  • The End Turn button and phase description are now found above the player actions.
  • The house rules and victory shrine are now found in the social tabs.
  • The skin has been recolored. Colors no longer clash as much.