mob/Mod/verb/GiveRank(mob/M in view(1))
set category="Admin"
switch(input("Give Rank", "", text) in list ("Dantooine Grandmaster", "Dark Lord of the Sith", "Crime Lord",\
"Supreme Commander", "Mandalorian Leader", "Bounty Hunter Leader", "King of Naboo", "Grand Chancellor", "Pirate Lord","Chief of State","Snow Sith Lord","None",))
if("Dantooine Grandmaster")
Dantooine_Grandmaster = M.key
usr << "You have made [M] Dantooine Grandmaster"
M << "You Have Been Made Dantooine Grandmaster"
M.Occ = "Grandmaster"
if("Dark Lord of the Sith")
Dark_Lord_of_the_Sith = M.key
usr << "You have made [M] Dark Lord of the Sith"
M << "You Have Been Made Dark Lord of the Sith"
M.Occ = "Sith Lord"
if("Snow Sith Lord")
Snow_Sith_Lord = src.Name
usr << "You have made [M] Snow Sith Lord"
M << "You Have Been Made Snow Sith Lord"
M.Occ = "Snow Sith Lord"
if("Crime Lord")
Crime_Lord = M.key
usr << "You have made [M] Crime Lord"
M << "You Have Been Made Crime Lord"
M.Occ = "Crime Lord"
if("Supreme Commander")
Supreme_Commander = M.key
usr << "You have made [M] Supreme Commander"
M << "You Have Been Made Supreme Commander"
M.Occ = "Supreme Commander"
if("Mandalorian Leader")
Mandalorian_Leader = M.key
usr << "You have made [M] Mandalorian Leader"
M << "You Have Been Made Mandalorian Leader"
M.Occ = "Mandalorian Leader"
if("Bounty Hunter Leader")
Bounty_Hunter_Leader = M.key
usr << "You have made [M] Bounty Hunter Leader"
M << "You Have Been Made Bounty Hunter Leader"
M.Occ = "Bounty Hunter Leader"
if("King of Naboo")
King_of_Naboo = M.key
usr << "You have made [M] King of Naboo"
M << "You Have Been Made King of Naboo"
M.Occ = "King of Naboo"
if("Grand Chancellor")
Grand_Chancellor = M.key
usr << "You have made [M] Grand Chancellor"
M << "You Have Been Made Grand Chancellor"
M.Occ = "Grand Chancellor"
if("Pirate Lord")
Pirate_Lord = M.key
usr << "You have made [M] Pirate Lord"
M << "You Have Been Made Pirate Lord"
M.Occ = "Pirate Lord"
if("Chief of State")
Chief_of_State = M.key
usr << "You have made [M] Chief of State"
M << "You Have Been Made Chief of State"
M.Occ = "Chief of State"
Give_Rank(mob/M in world)
if(Dantooine_Grandmaster == M.key)
M.contents += new/obj/JGM
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Battle_Meditation
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Push
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Pull
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Listening
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Precoginition
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Sense
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Sense_Area
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Conceal
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Heal
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Speed
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Stun
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Shield
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Echo
if(Dark_Lord_of_the_Sith == M.key)
M.contents += new/obj/DL
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Lightning
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Push
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Pull
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Listening
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Precoginition
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Sense
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Sense_Area
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Conceal
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Speed
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Stun
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Echo
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Choke
M.contents += new/obj/Force/Drain
if(Crime_Lord == M.key)
M.contents += new/obj/CL
if(Supreme_Commander == M.key)
M.contents += new/obj/SC
if(Mandalorian_Leader == M.key)
M.contents += new/obj/ML
if(Bounty_Hunter_Leader == M.key)
M.contents += new/obj/BHL
if(King_of_Naboo == M.key)
M.contents += new/obj/KON
if(Grand_Chancellor == M.key)
M.contents += new/obj/GC
if(Pirate_Lord == M.key)
M.contents += new/obj/PL
Problem description:
when in game and i use the verbb, it gives me the message but doesn't give the people i use it on the verbs or anything, why?
The Give_Proc was coded to take a mob in world.
Give_Rank(mob/M in world)
Your solution would to define who that mob is when you call the verb.
The following should be corrected in the GiveRank() verb.
Give_Rank(mob/M in world)
This part can also be rewritten, but isn't required.
Give_Rank(mob/M) would work exactly same same, since it automatically assumed it's in world. Just saves you some typing.