
Poll: Do you have specific, personal organization guidelines?

Yes 74% (20)
No 25% (7)

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I'm curious about the organization habits of all you programmers out there. At the moment I'm in the process of alphabetizing the contents of my *.DM files, now that the content makes it difficult to find things. Does anyone else do this? I am also guilty of having multiple sub-folders for each type of graphic. Perhaps I'm a tad O.C.D.

What, if any, are your personal ergonomics for your work? I'm interested to see what people mentally need in order to push forward, or if I'm the only one hindered by my necessity for organization. If you'd be so kind, I'm interested in what your personal habits are.

Side note: There should be another Blood Legend update in the middle of this week, I've decided that I want to get a little more of the content into the game before a testing session.

- Ken
I don't make sub-folders, because I find it to be a bit tedious to switch back and for through (with the exception of 'Programming' and 'Icons' folders), but I do organize my *.dm files to some extent. For example, '', '', '', '', and whatnot. I do the same thing with my *.dmi files as well.



When it comes to naming code files, it's pretty simple:

So if I define something under world, I make a If I do something with a client proc, I make a If I make a datum called "player" and set it's parent_type = /mob, I make a and put it in the aforementioned core folder.
I have CDO. It's like OCD, but all the letters are in alphabetical order, AS THEY SHOULD BE.

Basically everything is broken down into small, manageable chunks. I try to keep dm files from getting too long and bloated with unrelated code.
Not really.
I keep things in sub-directories dealing with sections such as world setup, interface, graphics, etc... And then I break it up into multiple DM files for each sub-directory. That way it keeps the contents of each DM file somewhat related, as well as having all the graphics organized into their own directories so I can easily find what I want.

I use sub-folders because I like being able to open and close them as they're needed. If I'm not working with the interface at all, I don't need to have the interface folder open, or the graphics folder, etc...
Sounds to me like you guys have the similar approaches to how I do it. On top of that however, within the programming files I have to make sure that all the vars, verbs, and procs are alphabetized. I'm not quite sure why that is, but I seem to have a smoother time programming that way.
I don't like alphabetization. I would much rather have things organized by where they're used than organized by how they're named. And in a section of code where all the procs are vars are related to one thing, I want them ordered with the things that I'm most likely to be working with on top.
Foomer wrote:
I don't like alphabetization. I would much rather have things organized by where they're used than organized by how they're named. And in a section of code where all the procs are vars are related to one thing, I want them ordered with the things that I'm most likely to be working with on top.

Oh I have separate files for that, usually the contents within the files are rather strict.
Foomer wrote:
I would much rather have things organized by where they're used than organized by how they're named.

This is how I organize my code. I have variables and verbs up top with procs below and ordered by the sequence in which they're called.