Jun 28 2008, 8:47 am
Post your comments here!
Mar 13 2012, 11:40 am
if you want to host my naruto game comment here
Hello I'm Retro In this Application I explain details of why i think i am qualified for Moderator.
In my own opinion i think i make a lot of qualifications of a moderator in this game.I try to promote the game as much as possible(bringing people on this server as much as possible). I am experience in most of the field i also know how to icon and am constantly trying to gain knowledge (Needs Work). I try to promote the fun at this game but also try to promote laws and order. I have been raised by two lawyers and understand NOTHING can last without order. Please Consider This Application Thank You For Your Time Sincerly Retro |
I love naruto dark worlds hope you come back to it. I play the single player option nearly every day :D