Summon(mob/M in world)
set category = "Admin"
M.PrevX = M.x
M.PrevY = M.y
M.PrevZ = M.z
M.loc = loc
admins << "[key] has summoned []."
Problem description:
This is a verb created under mob/Level2
I modified the admin system to give the verbs to clients as opposed to mobs, that way the verbs remained static through changing mobs. However, it's causing me a few issues within my verbs. I solved an array of them already, but there are two instances, both revolving around 'loc', that I'm unsure how to proceed with.
I realize all clients have a mob variable, and the same in reverse. I've attempted a few separate things here to sort this out, but to no avail.
Can someone show me how to determine if the verb user is a mob or a client?
runtime error: undefined variable /client/var/loc
proc name: Summon (/mob/Level2/verb/Summon)
source file:,150
usr: Gurion (/mob/Player)
src: Kitsueki (/client)
call stack:
Kitsueki (/client): Summon(Bandit (/mob/Enemies/Red_Guy))
However, I would suggest you choose one or the other. Either put all of the verbs under /client and give them to clients, or put them under /mob and give them to mobs.