So here is a screenshot of a little bit of work that i have been doing. whatcha think? any improvements?

Looks Like A Western RPG in the Making.
Looks great!

Kingstone99 wrote:
Looks Like A Western RPG in the Making.

Thats the plan
You should make the windows a more cyan-looking blue. But everything else is great.
I like.
Pretty good.

In b4 random nay.
Looks decent although I still say that good iso graphics can be done much more easily with 3D rendering.
Foomer wrote:
Looks decent although I still say that good iso graphics can be done much more easily with 3D rendering.

i have no idea how or where to even start with the 3d rendering.
Same way you start with anything - find a program that does what you want and search Google for a starter/basics tutorial on that program.

I use Blender 3D because its free. The interface is a major pain to learn and use though.
Looks great.