Keywords: fugstuff
To all of my fellow BYONDers, Happy New Year!

I feel that I might have a resolution to try to keep for this next year and beyond. It's something that I'm always reminded of, and I think I will continue to keep this lesson in my heart as time goes on.

Let's go back to my freshmen year of high school, Spanish 1 class. Nobody took that teacher seriously. She was around 70 years old and looked like she was in her 90s. She also taught German classes, so she would often accidentally start talking in German in the middle of class! Since nobody took her seriously, you can imagine that this class of freshmen would be fooling around a lot, especially the boys.

I was sitting there for a good while watching these boys daily throw paper balls around. The teacher never seemed to notice that they were having paper ball fights, however, I think she knew all along. One of those days, I decided to join in. Of course, the day I joined in, she went into action and took full notice of us towards the class. She came over and told all of the boys that were throwing the paper balls to pick them up. Of course, all of us just sat still in our chairs and didn't make a sound.

The teacher stood there, looked me straight in the eyes and said to all of the boys throwing the paper balls, "I thought you guys were better than this." She clearly thought that I was a decent young man before I decided to join in with them. Now the rest of the boys obviously just brushed that statement off of themselves like it was nothing and went on planning how they would fool around next, however, I took that statement a little more seriously.

You may look at people that can be criticized by others and not be affected and respect them a little. The way I see it though, is that they have a shell around their minds with a door that locks from the inside. They open that door and speak their mind to the world, yet when others try to tell them otherwise they will close that door and not let them in.

I take advice very seriously. When someone thinks poorly of me for a good reason, I sincerely feel bad about myself and want to make that thing right. Some of you may remember when I started up the BYOND Conquerors Guild awhile back and it had that "controversy" I guess. I ended up taking that guild idea down for the same reason I changed for that Spanish 1 teacher that no one took seriously, I felt that the majority of people thought the entire thing was a joke, and that I was a joke. Is this a good mentality to have? A lot of the time, probably, but some of the time, probably not.

I hope that there's nobody out there right now that has a reason to believe that I don't have an open mind to critique, because that would make all of this void in their mind, but my New Year resolution is to lessen how much other peoples thoughts of me affect me. Often I will let things get to me in a bad way, when I really should welcome their thoughts and take them positively. I have been getting good at this as time goes on, but there's always room for improvement.

There's my resolution. Happy New Year, BYOND!
I am exactly like you.
I fool around occasionally, but feel bad about myself afterward when the teacher tells us off.

In my opinion, this is a good thing AND a bad thing( although the bad outweighs the good ). Good because it shows you are a disciplined person, bad because it's freaking pathetic. As if you don't value yourself enough.

Nice resolution, anyway.
Aye and Nay. I'm self confident and arrogant enough that I can happily ignore most criticisms. But I also get so lost in thought, that every mistake I've ever made ever will return to me, and I'll hate myself for hours for being so stupid. I commonly refer to those times as a "reality check".

(Also, can you add a background colour to comment boxes please? It can get kinda difficult to read them in some places.)
And I'm not saying that I can't ignore a lot of them, but I tend to give most some thought. And I gave the comment boxes some color, however, the comment boxes on the right side also got color in them, which is not intended.
You should be able to fix that with more specific CSS definitions. I'll show you how tomorrow when I'm at my PC.
It looked pretty ugly on internet explorer, but it looks decent on everything else, where everything has curved edges.
Lol, normally when I get yelled at by a teacher, I get pissed because they single me out over the other people doing things that are worse than what I did. A good example would be my government teacher, who yelled at me for asking a friend something about his lecture. He then proceeded to yell at me and that friend (who said nothing) about how annoying we were, and how he was going to give me a 0 for the year if I ever talked again. Meanwhile, I had some obnoxiously loud seniors in the class sitting right next to me, and they were the reason I didn't hear what he said in the first place. The best part is that they aren't actually taking the class, they just came to his room to screw around.
i slap da hoe
Sounds sort of like my Japanese class...
Last year in my freshman Japanese 1 class (which also had a sophomore, four juniors, and two seniors to make grad requirements) nobody took her seriously except for a few of us. Of course she totally loves us.

This year I'm in my sophomore Japanese 2 class. It's worse, I've heard the other class made the teacher cry. And of course I can't help but feel like a complete moron for all of the people in our class who act completely retarded and piss her off.

Moreover, I hope that you can hold to this New Year's resolution.
Scotty-V wrote:
Sounds sort of like my Japanese class...
Last year in my freshman Japanese 1 class (which also had a sophomore, four juniors, and two seniors to make grad requirements) nobody took her seriously except for a few of us. Of course she totally loves us.

This year I'm in my sophomore Japanese 2 class. It's worse, I've heard the other class made the teacher cry. And of course I can't help but feel like a complete moron for all of the people in our class who act completely retarded and piss her off.

Moreover, I hope that you can hold to this New Year's resolution.

i slap da hoe
I never have New Years Resolutions. Mainly due to the fact I don't consider it a holiday - it's nothing special... there's been over 800 million new years, point? The school days off are good, though.
Moonlight Memento wrote:
I never have New Years Resolutions. Mainly due to the fact I don't consider it a holiday - it's nothing special... there's been over 800 million new years, point? The school days off are good, though.

There have been 4.5 billion new years. Unless you include the new years of other calenders, in which case, you have many, many, more.
I'll challenge you and say that's merely an estimate that you are stating as fact. Nobody knows for sure how old the earth is, and carbon dating is a joke past 10,000 years.
Fugsnarf wrote:
I'll challenge you and say that's merely an estimate that you are stating as fact. Nobody knows for sure how old the earth is, and carbon dating is a joke past 10,000 years.

Lol, expound upon how carbon dating isn't accurate. I've had fundamentalists say that to me before, and they had absolutely no evidence.
Scientists generally agree that it's very hard to be accurate with carbon dating past 10,000 years. pages/CarbonDatingBack.html

I believe that article goes into more detail.

That one says that anything over 50,000 years shouldn't even be detectable.

In reality, those fundamentalists are right, there is no solid evidence to support my point, nor is there evidence to support their points. Carbon dating is nothing but educated guesses past the 10,000 year general mark. Scientists will still take them as facts though.
Wikipedia says it's accurate up to 62000, as do most other sources.
It's unwise to trust Wikipedia. If there's other sources, I'd like to see them.
Fugsnarf wrote:
It's unwise to trust Wikipedia.

Explain to me why you think that's so?
Since average people can both write and change it, they can get their facts wrong. I like direct sources.
Fugsnarf wrote:
Since average people can both write and change it, they can get their facts wrong. I like direct sources.

Then use the sources Wikipedia forces you to have so it doesn't delete your article...
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