Well I have recently considered my paths of job's.

Here's what I came up with.

Work for my sister with her buisness? Maybe

Work for my uncle with his buisness? No.

Pro Skateboarder? Maybe, but no.

Pro Football player? Haha...

Pro Baseball player? Same as above, slightly better chance though

Win the lottery? Don't we all dream of that...

So. In theory I have chose. I really want to get into becoming a tattoo artist. Tattoo's, although I don't have any, yet, are sweet as hell x400. I plan to get a Tattoo within two months. I want "Sleeves" as they kick arse. Only thin is, sleeves run about 2,000 each when they're finished. So, I need to buy equipment to start tattooing, get my own shop(not for a long time) and bam. We'll see how that goes though, now wont we?
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