Alright, I've had 5 days off, time to get back to work. 2 1/2 weeks of development time left, then my nose is going to be good and to the grindstone as I take (foremost among things) Calculus and second semester Spanish. I really don't expect to have much opportunity to do development at all while school is going on - my frontal lobe is already sore from the beating that these two classes alone would give it.
I've upgraded to Windows 7 and am fairly overjoyed to report this did not at all sabotage my ability to use BYOND. On the contrary, like nearly everything on Windows 7, BYOND is more responsive than it was under Vista, owed perhaps to the new file handling system being considerably less bloaty. Though Windows 7 apparently has quite a few new features under the hood, the difference is not readily apparent. It feels more like it's just a considerably better version of Windows Vista.
In fact, if you were using Vista before, an installation of Windows 7 directly imports all the old programs and settings you had installed, right down to preserving the icons (even their placement) on your desktop. Unfortunately, this easy transition is not available for non-Vista systems or if you wanted to change from a 32-bit system to a 64-bit system. In that case, you're back to old fashioned reinstalling Windows from scratch.
So, now that my platform is upgraded and I've had a few days of relax from the disastrous end to last semester (my grades turned out alright but I only barely passed my Fine Arts class on the merit of my previous assignments), thoughts are turning back to development. True, I've plenty of games to distract me, but the roots of designeritus run deep: I think I'd actually rather make games instead of just play them right now.
![]() Dec 24 2009, 5:52 pm
I've been enjoying Win7 myself, I never used Vista though. It should be noted that Win7 is considerably less of a resource hog than Vista.