![]() Feb 20 2006, 5:37 am
Hey! That's it! I didn't think the part I remember was part of "another" well-known song (can't really say "another" since apparently, they're the same song, but I assumed they were two songs)!
Hmmm, wonder why I didn't look for "Finiculi, Finicula"... Thanks, Sarm! I'll consider this repayment for ruining my dinner plans...lol |
That happened to be one of the very first midis I EVER downloaded since I've been on the internet. I yanked it off of another message board that had it embedded in the page, much like what I do with my journal. :) |
This just in:
I searched for midis for that song to see if there were alternate versions out there, and I came across a list of Nintendo/SNES music on VGmusic.com... Click here That exact midi file is listed as a level BGM from Earthworm Jim 2... Even cooler! Though I'm not sure if I want to use music from a commercial property in my Pizza making game... Although, I guess I included the Nintendo Friday the 13th theme as a music choice in Murder Mansion... Oh well, ethics be damned! lol |