We all have our preferences in DM, I'm just curious about what some of them are.

Personally, I use Fixedsys font because it seems to be very easy to read, easy to follow, and for some reason, it just has a sense of class about it. Maybe because it reminds me of the pixelly games of my childhood, I dunno.
I use plain and simple Courier New, size 10. Nothing fancy for me, I just dislike the default a lot.
I use Dina. Great, smooth monospace font.
I use Dina now too, great font.
In response to Albro1
Albro1 wrote:
I use Dina. Great, smooth monospace font.

Yea, I just installed it. Looks alot better.
I'm a Verdana fan.
I use Rilakkuma myself. And Courier New.
How do you change the preferences? I still use the default xD
Nevermind, lolz XD
:O I bet I know what SilkWizard codes in!
In response to Albro1
Albro1 wrote:
I use Dina. Great, smooth monospace font.

Capital A, M look horrible, possibly some other as well.

Personally I use Consolas.