Actually, it's my third gift to myself, because this morning I remembered I have yet to fill out my income tax return, and therefore probably have a small windfall coming. The other gifts were a new watch, and a new hat so I can pretend to be an evil archaeologist in the Belloq mold. (Wait, did I say "pretend to be"? Strike that! I minored in History, so how do you like me now, playa-haters?)

But I digress. Sarm's blog is pretty entertaining and only rarely obscene, so I'm going to take a chance and hope that my egg isn't going to hatch into something that would make my mom blush (not that she knows this site exists). Without further ado, I give you... the egg!

"Sarm's blog is pretty entertaining and only rarely obscene, so I'm going to take a chance and hope that my egg isn't going to hatch into something that would make my mom blush (not that she knows this site exists)."

Hadn't thought of that >_>
Oh well! Too late now anyways :)
I'd laugh if it was that image virus xD
The good news is: if it is something obscene, people looking at your site will have to step back a few feet to figure out what it is!
Don't worry about the egg. I may be rather crude but I'd never introduce anything illegal/not-work-safe. Definitely not a virus. There's no comedy in that. :(

Honestly, I'm still trying to think of what should hatch.