Well, a friend of mine sent me this that they found somewhere. They didn't say where or whom said it, But it really made me laugh and gave me the idea for the subject of my first blog post in awhile.

"In 3 months I became a expert Bleach and Naruto coder Im a expert naruto coder and Im learning to become a expert Bleach coder "

First of all, NOBODY, not even Lummox could become an 'Expert coder' at anything in three months unless you bacame an 'Expert Coder' at procs or variables which is still relatively impossible. This being on the rather endless possibilities that could be done with most things in DM.

Second of all, You can't really become an 'Expert Coder' on a certain type of game. Thats based in how much of the subject you know.

It all comes down to yet another thing that I hate.

Noobs that learn how to code a proc without runtime errors and think they are professional coders. All to many times I have seen on game applications or production team applications something like the above or even, "Best coder on BYOND."

Thats almost as bad as the noobs that go around to games saying: "i iz game chekr/ giv mee GMz or i wul clz ur gam downz!111!111one!11eleven!"
It honestly really makes me laugh at how stupid some people are.

Anyway, Thats all. Just had to do a rant about that.

So. Ever been in a situation with a supposed 'Game Checker' or the self proclaimed 'Best Coder Ever' that can't spell 'Datum'?

If so, Tell us about it.

But you know, the true failures are the ones that say "I can code. I already have a battle system code and a training code." or something similar to that.
Merciless Warrior wrote:
But you know, the true failures are the ones that say "I can code. I already have a battle system code and a training code." or something similar to that.

Agreed. The irony in things like that is you say "Can you code a Chat System?" and then they'll say: "uhhh how i ddu dat?!/1/"
Merciless Warrior wrote:
But you know, the true failures are the ones that say "I can code. I already have a battle system code and a training code." or something similar to that.

I have text manipulation and list manipulation codes. I call them libs.
"Who is the best programmer on BYOND?"

1) NarutoBoy
2) SuperGoku29
3) SSJDanny
4) Bleach Enterprise
5) Gotenks Chichi

These polls are always fun.
I was an expert coder after a week. I had experimentor 2 up and running and it was awesome. Best game I ever made.

After three months I was an even more expert coder after I figured out how proc arguments worked.
Shadow Void wrote:
Noobs that learn how to code a proc without runtime errors and think they are professional coders. All to many times I have seen on game applications or production team applications something like the above or even, "Best coder on BYOND."

Notice that most games like that are anime games, the biggest source of the ripping problem- <.<
Tiberath wrote:
Merciless Warrior wrote:
But you know, the true failures are the ones that say "I can code. I already have a battle system code and a training code." or something similar to that.

I have text manipulation and list manipulation codes. I call them libs.

This is true, but libs are made to be built around unlike demos, which are made to be learned from.

I'm talking about people that treat demos as libraries and fit them into their game (via copy, paste, and slight editing) without actually learning anything from them. It's the sort of thing I used to do when I was new to BYOND.
Merciless Warrior wrote:
Tiberath wrote:
Merciless Warrior wrote:
But you know, the true failures are the ones that say "I can code. I already have a battle system code and a training code." or something similar to that.

I have text manipulation and list manipulation codes. I call them libs.

This is true, but libs are made to be built around unlike demos, which are made to be learned from.

I'm talking about people that treat demos as libraries and fit them into their game (via copy, paste, and slight editing) without actually learning anything from them. It's the sort of thing I used to do when I was new to BYOND.

I feel like that's how you should start, if only for a little bit, when learning a new language. Continued c&p&e, though, yech.
I sent that to you, lol.

I was searching BYOND and i found funniest sayings by Bobbyawesome and that one was one of his.I really laughed my ass off on that.
Who the fuck has a "Game Checker"? That is just asking for someone to steal your source code. I've heard of beta testers, but I have never heard of a game checker before. The concept is just insane and stupid.