Just like last week, I didn't find the time to offer any interface suggestions. However, I did read an excerpt from iPhone Games Projects where Joachim Bondo discussed the design of his chess game, Deep Green.
...Granted, I think it's a bit easier for games where every piece appears on a single board. It's a bit different when you need to constantly juggle a hand of cards or look up dynamic stats.
In the comments of last week's Tech Tree, Calus CoRPS/ explained the fate of his turn-based tactical fantasy, Fortay:
The isometric update will be released no later than January. Interface and other small suggestions are always welcomed.
Balancing these units have always been difficult, I'm thinking that implementing XML, which would allow customizable units by the host, could be a good idea. Along with that, the host could create new and unique units. But, I quit working on this game programming-wise a while back, and I highly doubt I'll return.
Other than that, I am no longer going to produce updates for the game unless a bug needs to be fixed.
I took the opportunity to nag Acebloke about his featured boardgame, Exploder, and received the following reply:
Meanwhile, Acebloke is celebrating the creation of his score aggregate, AceMedalTable, with a contest. Whoever gains the most points by January 1st will win a 3 month subscription to one of his games. Wargames and Wargames2 are among the prizes.
In non-BYOND news, Acebloke also released a mod for Hearts of Iron III, by Paradox.
Mechanos7 updated his turn-based tactical fantasy, Riverside. I have not played it yet myself so I'm not sure what was changed. However, there's now a screenshot on the hub page so I at least know what it looks like.
Falacy released a couple more screenshots from the next version of his treasure defense game, Gold Guardians. When can it be expected and what else will it include? I have no clue.
Ganing announced the creation of yet another base defense game. However, this time it's a neon side scroller. Promising that his games would be completed, he also mentioned that there will be one last update of Seika SE while Halloween: Terror is on hold.
Xuiryus announced that he is working on a small scale TCG with a little free-roaming. Intended as a parody of franchises like Yu-Gi-Oh along with various bits of pop culture, "it'll be a very serious game, like a multi-coloured machine gun fun to look at but still very very serious."
Xuiryus is able to create the art, but the project is still looking for a programmer.
F0lak is intrigued by the notion of creating an RTS in the world of his RPG, Hazordhu. Players will be able to earn economic, diplomatic, technological, or military victories with four different races.
Geldonyetich could be merging the three faction experiences of his Vehicle Wars project. Pilots of upgradeable vehicles would eventually gain the ability to command multiple units to participate in an RTS/building simulation. Players would all be of the Terran faction. Aliens and Natives would be NPCs.
However, Geldonyetich appears to be putting the project on hiatus until he has a better feel for the development process.
I released an interface update for my territorial dispute, Occupied Forces. Most of the changes are rather minor, but I think they made the game less confusing overall. Granted, I'm still thinking of doing another version where I stop myself from placing color-coded icons everywhere. They're nice on the map, but they make the rest of the interface look like a circus tent.
I don't have many videos on hand this week so I'll go with a review from The Dice Tower.
Got news? Congratulations to Brigitte Dale for winning the final round of votes in the SAM-e Good Mood Gig Talent Search... and to JustinP231 for knocking me down to a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar second in Wrangle, Warp And Weep.