Greetings fellow BYONDers.

I'm glad to announce that I have now bought a VPS from hostslice and web domain. We have setup the server, and changed the DNS settings on the website. We will shortly be building a website layout and be transferring to a new forums on the website. I hope you enjoy the new server as much as I do (weeee, there goes my money!)
Have you fixed the movement for the game?
Define 'fixed'.
As in, it doesn't take me .075 seconds to move one tile. And if I "run" it takes me .05 seconds to move.

Most annoying thing in the game and it makes it unbearable....
Just tryed the game i agree with Sariat. The movement system is what drove me out of the game.
Movement will be faster as of Version 5.2.0. It will take 0.3 seconds to move one tile when walking, and 0.1 secons when running. Sound better?

I plan on having it up by tomorrow morning, but check the hub version as it may be late.