![]() Jul 14 2012, 2:40 am
![]() Jul 14 2012, 3:07 am
What is going on here? About the only things I see are a health bar and experience bar. Everything else is jumbled, I'm unsure of what it is supposed to do.
Top one for Name, underneath red one Health the big box is for Face, those 2 little rectangle are for skills you know the blue bar is for Exp and the bar next to that is Alignment
I can't give feedback considering the link doesn't load. Never heard of that host... You should use tinypic or imageshack. They tend to work for everyone. =/
Functionally, it is poor. You are dedicating an unduly large amount of screen space to name and portrait for no reason. Why is that even on the hud? Will the player need to quickly know their name or what portrait they selected? Probably not unless they are controlling several mobs. The skills are also awkwardly placed. Why two instead of a separate hotbar?
When designing a hud, think about what critical information a player needs and how to deliver it as clearly as possible without being intrusive. |
The design is pretty interesting, overall it's not too bad. Though I would say try to make it all less smushed together. I think that will help it look less confusing.
I personally would make it look nicer, instead of just solid lines and colors, however functionality generally trumps looks for HUDs. |